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使用 G1GC 时的随机高 Ref Proc

[英]Random high Ref Proc While using G1GC

Since my application requires low latency (maximum 10ms), I'm using G1GC with very low Eden (10mb) and low Heap memory (250mb).由于我的应用程序需要低延迟(最大 10 毫秒),我使用 G1GC 与非常低的 Eden (10mb) 和低堆内存 (250mb)。 The goal is to have a lot of minor GC very often but with very small duration.目标是经常进行大量次要 GC,但持续时间非常短。 I'm using the following configuration:我正在使用以下配置:

-Xms250m \
-Xmx250m \
-XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:/tmp/myapp-gc.log \
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps \
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime \
-XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics \
-XX:+NeverTenure \
-XX:-UseBiasedLocking \
-XX:-UsePerfData \
-XX:+UseG1GC \
-XX:-ResizePLAB \
-XX:-UseStringDeduplication \
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions \
-XX:G1NewSizePercent=5 \
-XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=5 \
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=200m \
-XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 \
-XX:ConcGCThreads=1 \
-XX:GCTimeRatio=2 \
-XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=50 \
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC \
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled \
-XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods \
-XX:+UseAltSigs \

I executed a test for 1h and it seems that I achieve my goal but for some reasons, I have some Minor GC taking up to 30ms (while the average is on 5ms).我执行了 1 小时的测试,似乎达到了我的目标,但由于某些原因,我有一些 Minor GC 需要长达 30 毫秒(而平均值为 5 毫秒)。

Bellow the statistics for the 1h test:下面是 1h 测试的统计数据:

No.     of GCs  Percentage
0 - 10  9550    99.29%
10 - 20 66      0.69%
20 - 30 2       0.02%
Avg Pause GC Time   4.66 ms

Also a "normal" minor GC and one where the Ref Proc is too high:也是一个“正常的”次要 GC 和一个 Ref Proc 太高的:

11601.845: [GC pause (G1 Evacuation Pause) (young), **0.0035909 secs**]
   [Parallel Time: 2.2 ms, GC Workers: 4]
      [GC Worker Start (ms): Min: 11601844.9, Avg: 11601845.0, Max: 11601845.4, Diff: 0.6]
      [Ext Root Scanning (ms): Min: 0.5, Avg: 1.3, Max: 2.0, Diff: 1.5, Sum: 5.2]
      [Update RS (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.1, Max: 0.1, Diff: 0.1, Sum: 0.2]
         [Processed Buffers: Min: 0, Avg: 5.0, Max: 14, Diff: 14, Sum: 20]
      [Scan RS (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 0.0, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.0]
      [Code Root Scanning (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 0.0, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.0]
      [Object Copy (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.1, Max: 0.2, Diff: 0.2, Sum: 0.4]
      [Termination (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.5, Max: 0.7, Diff: 0.7, Sum: 1.9]
         [Termination Attempts: Min: 1, Avg: 1.0, Max: 1, Diff: 0, Sum: 4]
      [GC Worker Other (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 0.0, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.0]
      [GC Worker Total (ms): Min: 1.5, Avg: 1.9, Max: 2.1, Diff: 0.6, Sum: 7.7]
      [GC Worker End (ms): Min: 11601847.0, Avg: 11601847.0, Max: 11601847.0, Diff: 0.0]
   [Code Root Fixup: 0.0 ms]
   [Code Root Purge: 0.0 ms]
   [Clear CT: 0.1 ms]
   [Other: 1.3 ms]
      [Choose CSet: 0.0 ms]
      [**Ref Proc: 1.0 ms**]
      [Ref Enq: 0.1 ms]
      [Redirty Cards: 0.1 ms]
      [Humongous Register: 0.0 ms]
      [Humongous Reclaim: 0.0 ms]
      [Free CSet: 0.0 ms]
   [Eden: 11264.0K(11264.0K)->0.0B(11264.0K) Survivors: 1024.0K->1024.0K Heap: 88152.5K(250.0M)->76944.6K(250.0M)]
 [Times: user=0.01 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]
11601.849: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0041718 seconds, Stopping threads took: 0.0000731 seconds 

Problematic one:问题一:

6435.887: [GC pause (G1 Evacuation Pause) (young), **0.0356522 secs**]
   [Parallel Time: 4.0 ms, GC Workers: 4]
      [GC Worker Start (ms): Min: 6435886.8, Avg: 6435888.6, Max: 6435890.4, Diff: 3.6]
      [Ext Root Scanning (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 1.3, Max: 2.6, Diff: 2.6, Sum: 5.2]
      [Update RS (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.2, Max: 0.5, Diff: 0.5, Sum: 0.8]
         [Processed Buffers: Min: 0, Avg: 4.0, Max: 14, Diff: 14, Sum: 16]
      [Scan RS (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 0.0, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.0]
      [Code Root Scanning (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 0.0, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.0]
      [Object Copy (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.2, Max: 0.4, Diff: 0.4, Sum: 0.8]
      [Termination (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.2, Max: 0.4, Diff: 0.4, Sum: 0.6]
         [Termination Attempts: Min: 1, Avg: 1.0, Max: 1, Diff: 0, Sum: 4]
      [GC Worker Other (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: 0.0, Diff: 0.0, Sum: 0.0]
      [GC Worker Total (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 1.9, Max: 3.8, Diff: 3.8, Sum: 7.5]
      [GC Worker End (ms): Min: 6435890.4, Avg: 6435890.5, Max: 6435890.6, Diff: 0.2]
   [Code Root Fixup: 0.0 ms]
   [Code Root Purge: 0.0 ms]
   [Clear CT: 0.0 ms]
   [Other: 31.6 ms]
      [Choose CSet: 0.0 ms]
      [**Ref Proc: 31.3 ms**]
      [Ref Enq: 0.1 ms]
      [Redirty Cards: 0.1 ms]
      [Humongous Register: 0.0 ms]
      [Humongous Reclaim: 0.0 ms]
      [Free CSet: 0.0 ms]
   [Eden: 10240.0K(10240.0K)->0.0B(10240.0K) Survivors: 2048.0K->2048.0K Heap: 82113.0K(250.0M)->71825.0K(250.0M)]
 [Times: user=0.02 sys=0.00, real=0.03 secs]
6435.922: Total time for which application threads were stopped: 0.0362249 seconds, Stopping threads took: 0.0000478 seconds 

Any idea/advice on how I can troubleshoot or overcome this issue?关于如何解决或克服此问题的任何想法/建议?

I'm using java-1.8.0-openjdk- and wildfly-10.1.0.我正在使用 java-1.8.0-openjdk- 和 wildfly-10.1.0。 Currently update is not an option.目前更新不是一个选项。

After analyzing the memory heap, the main problem was related with weak reference types of finalizers.分析内存堆后,主要问题与终结器的弱引用类型有关。

All of them were having as referent the com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapSearchEnumeration (Since on our application, we are using LDAP Search and jndi-ldap).所有这些都以 com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapSearchEnumeration 为参照(因为在我们的应用程序中,我们使用 LDAP 搜索和 jndi-ldap)。

After changing to UnboundID LDAP SDK, problem was solved.改为UnboundID LDAP SDK后,问题解决。

Moreover in case someone is interested, on JDK8 we had the best performance using the Shenandoah GC.此外,如果有人感兴趣,在 JDK8 上我们使用 Shenandoah GC 获得了最佳性能。

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