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Material-UI 响应卡

[英]Material-UI Responsive Cards

I'm in the process of testing out Material-UI.我正在测试 Material-UI。 I've been using Bootstrap for a long time, but am interested in adapting some React projects to Material-UI.我已经使用 Bootstrap 很长时间了,但我对将一些 React 项目适应 Material-UI 感兴趣。 Something I've been trying to figure out is how to create responsive cards in Material-UI.我一直试图弄清楚的是如何在 Material-UI 中创建响应式卡片。 I've leaned pretty heavily on Bootstraps responsive containers in the past, so I can't understand why my cards expand with the page but don't shrink as the window is condensed...If we're meant to write custom css for this I'm cool with that, just need to be pointed in the right direction.过去我非常依赖 Bootstraps 响应式容器,所以我不明白为什么我的卡片会随着页面扩展,但不会随着窗口的压缩而缩小......如果我们打算为它编写自定义 css这我很酷,只需要指向正确的方向。


  1. Are responsive cards in Material-UI out of the gate a thing? Material-UI 中的响应式卡片是一回事吗?

  2. Or are we meant to write the css to make the cards responsive?还是我们打算编写 css 以使卡片具有响应性?

  3. If so, where can I learn to do that?如果是这样,我在哪里可以学习这样做? (leaned on Bootstrap a lot in the past) (过去经常使用 Bootstrap)

Thanks in advance for your help!在此先感谢您的帮助!

useStyles = () => makeStyles(theme => ({
    root: {
      flexGrow: 1,
    paper: {
      padding: theme.spacing.unit,
      textAlign: "center",
      color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
      marginBottom: theme.spacing.unit

  render() {
    const {baseData} = this.state;
    const {hfcMetrics} = this.state;
    const {stateMember} = this.state;
    const {stateName} = this.state;
    const {states} = this.state;
    const {lineVizData} = this.state;
    const classes = this.useStyles();

    return (this.state.doneLoading === false ? (
      <div className={classes.root}>
        <Grid container>
          <Grid item xs={12}>
            <ReactLoading type={"spinningBubbles"} color={"black"} height={'10%'}
                          width={'10%'} id='spinner'/>
        (stateMember === true ?
      <div className={classes.root}>
        <Grid container spacing={3}>
          <Grid item xs={12}>
              <CardContent style={{ width: '100%', height: 300 }}>
                <Button size="small" color="primary">
                <Button size="small" color="primary">
                  Learn More
          <Grid item xs={6}>
            <Card ref={this.elRef}>  
                title="Comparison Analysis" 
                  <ButtonGroup variant="text" color="primary" aria-label="text primary button group">
                    <IconButton color='default' component="span"
                      onClick={() => this.resetStateToggle()}><AutorenewRoundedIcon/></IconButton>
              <CardContent style={{padding: 0}}>
          <Grid item xs={6}>
            <Paper className={classes.paper}>xs=6</Paper>
      : '' 

export default CompareTool

Thank you for your question谢谢你的问题

To answer your questions: 1) not that I know of 2) no you dont have to write alot of css, but yes some css in the usestyles 3) Below I explained in detail the css you have to write, in your code.回答您的问题:1) 不是我所知道的 2) 不,您不必编写大量 css,但是可以在 usestyles 中编写一些 css 3) 下面我详细解释了您必须在代码中编写的 css。 You are using inline styles and useStyles at the same time, try putting all your styles in the usestyle hook API instead and make it responsive.您同时使用内联样式和 useStyles,请尝试将所有样式放入 usestyle hook API 并使其具有响应性。 Hope this helps let me know if I need to make it clearer.希望这有助于让我知道是否需要更清楚地说明。 Thank you谢谢

as far as I know, you can use the "useMediaQuery" hook to make your design responsive.据我所知,您可以使用“useMediaQuery”挂钩使您的设计具有响应性。

Here is the component from the material UI Card component page, I only added the useTheme and useMediaQuery imports, and added a medium breakpoint inside useStyle under classes.root Here is a useful link on "useMediaQuery" https://material-ui.com/components/use-media-query/#usemediaquery这里是 Material UI Card 组件页面中的组件,我只添加了 useTheme 和 useMediaQuery 导入,并在 classes.root 下的 useStyle 中添加了一个中断点这里是“useMediaQuery”上的有用链接https://material-ui.com /components/use-media-query/#usemediaquery

import { useTheme } from "@material-ui/styles";
import useMediaQuery from "@material-ui/core/useMediaQuery";

const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
  root: {
    maxWidth: 345,
    [theme.breakpoints.down("md")] : {
    maxWidth: 200
  media: {
    height: 140
const Card = () =>  {
  const classes = useStyles();
  const theme = useTheme();

  const matches = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.up("sm"));
  return (

    <Card className={classes.root}>

          title="Contemplative Reptile"
          <Typography gutterBottom variant="h5" component="h2">
          <Typography variant="body2" color="textSecondary" component="p">
            Lizards are a widespread group of squamate reptiles, with over 6,000
            species, ranging across all continents except Antarctica
        <Button size="small" color="primary">
        <Button size="small" color="primary">
          Learn More

Hope this helps希望这可以帮助


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