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悬停时滚动链接文本 - 无尽的选取框效果

[英]Scrolling link text on hover - endless marquee effect

I'm looking for a performant and also smooth solution for links that scroll their text inside of their inline-block box like a marquee effect.我正在寻找一种高性能且流畅的链接解决方案,这些链接可以像选取框效果一样在其内联块框内滚动其文本。

 $(document).ready(function() { function scroll(ele){ var s = $(ele).text().substr(1)+$(ele).text().substr(0,1); $(ele).text(s); } scrollInterval = null; function startScrolling(e) { if (!scrollInterval) { scrollInterval = setInterval(function(){ scroll(e) },100); } } function stopScrolling(e) { clearInterval(scrollInterval); scrollInterval = null; } $(".mali").hover(function(){ startScrolling($(this)); }); $(".mali").mouseout(function(){ stopScrolling($(this)); }); $(".mali").mousedown(function(){ stopScrolling($(this)); }); });
 .mali { display: inline-block; background: black; color: white; padding: 10px; }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> Something <a href="#" class="mali">something&nbsp;darkside</a>, Something something complete.

My solution so far is something I actually found here on stackoverlow in another thread and tried to work with it.到目前为止,我的解决方案实际上是我在 stackoverlow 上的另一个线程中找到的,并尝试使用它。

Two problems though.不过有两个问题。

1.) As this is basically using an interval to loop through the single letters this effect is not very smooth. 1.) 由于这基本上是使用间隔来循环单个字母,因此这种效果不是很流畅。 The effect is stuttering.效果是口吃。

Has anyone an Idea on how to make this more smooth?有没有人知道如何使这更顺畅? Maybe in that case don't use this method at all and maybe use a CSS transition to animate the text?也许在这种情况下根本不使用这种方法,也许使用 CSS 过渡来为文本设置动画?

2.) Does anyone have a clever solution on how to return to the initial state once I hover off? 2.) 有没有人有关于如何在我悬停后返回初始状态的巧妙解决方案? I want the effect on hover but when moving the mouse off the link it should animate back to the initial text state.我想要悬停效果,但是当将鼠标从链接上移开时,它应该动画回到初始文本状态。

Thanks, Matt谢谢,马特

2) You can save initial state and then just revert it: 2)您可以保存初始状态,然后将其还原:

 $(document).ready(function() { function scroll(ele){ var s = $(ele).text().substr(1)+$(ele).text().substr(0,1); $(ele).text(s); } scrollInterval = null; function startScrolling(e) { if (!scrollInterval) { $(e).data("text", $(e).text()); scrollInterval = setInterval(function(){ scroll(e) },100); } } function stopScrolling(e) { clearInterval(scrollInterval); scrollInterval = null; $(e).text($(e).data("text")); } $(".mali").hover(function(){ startScrolling($(this)); }); $(".mali").mouseout(function(){ stopScrolling($(this)); }); $(".mali").mousedown(function(){ stopScrolling($(this)); }); });
 .mali { display: inline-block; background: black; color: white; padding: 10px; transition: all .2s; }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> Something <a href="#" class="mali">something&nbsp;darkside</a>, Something something complete.

1) As a smooth animation, i thought of this as a PoC. 1) 作为一个流畅的动画,我认为这是一个 PoC。 Maybe it will help you with further ideas.也许它会帮助你有更多的想法。

 $(document).ready(function() { // Those global data could be stored in element's data. var indent = 0, width = 0, padding = 10; function scroll(ele){ // Every iteration decrease indent by value indent -= 1; // If is indent greater than or equal than real width // (width with padding) reset indent. if(-indent >= width+padding) indent = 0; // Aplly property $(ele).css("text-indent", indent); } var scrollInterval = null; function startScrolling(e) { if (!scrollInterval) { // Get text and real width let text = $(e).text(); width = $(e).width() $(e) // Set real width & height, so that container stays .width($(e).width()) .height($(e).height()) // Save text to data for reset .data("text", text) // Add 2 spans with text: // <span>text</span><span>text</span> // Where second span has defined padding on the left .html($("<span>").text(text)) .append($("<span>").text(text).css("padding-left", padding+"px")); resumeScrolling(e); } } function stopScrolling(e) { pauseScrolling(e); // Reset $(e) // Revert real text and reset indent .text($(e).data("text")) .css("text-indent", indent = 0); } function pauseScrolling(e) { clearInterval(scrollInterval); scrollInterval = null; } function resumeScrolling(e) { if (!scrollInterval) { // Every 30ms repeat animation. It must be at least 25x per second // so it runs smoothly. (So 1 - 40). scrollInterval = setInterval(function(){ scroll(e) },30); } } $(".mali").hover(function(){ startScrolling($(this)); }); $(".mali").mouseout(function(){ stopScrolling($(this)); }); $(".mali").mousedown(function(){ stopScrolling($(this)); }); $("#start").click(function(){ startScrolling($(".mali")); }); $("#stop").click(function(){ stopScrolling($(".mali")); }); $("#pause").click(function(){ pauseScrolling($(".mali")); }); $("#resume").click(function(){ resumeScrolling($(".mali")); }); });
 .mali { display: inline-block; background: black; color: white; padding: 10px; /* This could help, but you can't reset text-indent without animation. transition: all .1s; */ overflow: hidden; vertical-align: middle; } /* When you hover element, new span elements can't take pointer events, so your elements stays hovered. */ .mali span { pointer-events: none; }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> Something <a href="#" class="mali">something&nbsp;darkside</a>, Something something complete. <br><br> <button id="start">Start</button> <button id="stop">Stop</button> <button id="pause">Pause</button> <button id="resume">Resume</button>

Idea behind this is:这背后的想法是:

  • make element overflow:hidden;使元素overflow:hidden; so no text will overflow所以没有文字会溢出
  • set fix dimension设置固定尺寸
  • duplicate text inside里面有重复的文字
  • change text indent every x miliseconds (x < 40 so it is smooth, must be at least 25fps)每 x 毫秒更改一次文本缩进(x < 40 所以它是平滑的,必须至少为 25fps)
  • when it overflows, reset it so it can be in infinite loop当它溢出时,重置它以便它可以处于无限循环中

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