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[英]Race condition when calling components

I have 2 components which are being loaded into an "App", the first component resolves the external ip address to a geo by making 2 axios.get calls and then returns them (via emit) to App.vue.我有 2 个组件正在加载到“应用程序”中,第一个组件通过进行 2 个 axios.get 调用将外部 IP 地址解析为地理,然后将它们(通过发射)返回到 App.vue。

I then call "Weather" to resolve the lat/long from the previous 2 calls to some json returned by the darksky API for that lat/long.然后我调用“天气”来解析前 2 次调用中的纬度/经度,解析为该经度/经度的 Darksky API 返回的一些 json。 Sometimes (50-60% of the time) I am hitting a race condition where I am sending 0/0 to weather (which are what I initialize lat/long to in App.vue) and don't know how to resolve it.有时(50-60% 的时间)我遇到了一个竞争条件,我将 0/0 发送到天气(这是我在 App.vue 中初始化纬度/经度的值)并且不知道如何解决它。 I would like the following code to run more reliably.我希望以下代码能够更可靠地运行。


  <div id="app">
        <img alt="Vue logo" src="./assets/logo.png">
    <ip @response="onResponse" /> //Needs to finish before next line runs (has axios calls)
    <Weather msg="The weather for:" :lat="lat" :long="long" :ip="ip" :city="city" :country="country"/>

import Weather from './components/Weather.vue'
import ip from './components/ip_resolve.vue'

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data() {
    return {
      lat: 0,
      long: 0,
      ip: 0,
      country: 0,
      city: 0 
  components: {

  //Accepts emitted values from ip_resolve -- needs to change values in data before Weather runs
  methods: {
    onResponse(event) {
      this.lat = event.lat
      this.long = event.long
      this.ip = event.ip
      this.country = event.country
      this.city = event.city

ip_resolve.vue ip_resolve.vue

  <div class="Hemlo">


const axios = require('axios').default;
const ipRegex = /ip=(\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3})$/gmi
export default {
  name: 'ip',
      ip: String,
      country: String,
      City: String,
      lat: Number,
      long: Number
  mounted () {
    .then(response => (
        this.ip = ipRegex.exec(response.data)[1]
            .then( response => (
                    this.lat = response.data.latitude,
                    this.long = response.data.longitude,
                    this.country = response.data.country_name,
                    this.city = response.data.city
                    this.$emit('response', {
                        ip: this.ip,
                        lat: this.lat,
                        long: this.long,
                        country: this.country,
                        city: this.city


  <div class="Hi">
    <h1>{{msg}} {{city}}, {{country}}</h1>
    <h2>Temp: {{ temp }}f</h2>
    <h2>Conditions: {{ conditions }}</h2>


const axios = require('axios').default;
export default {
  name: 'Weather',
  props: {
    msg: String,
    resp: String,
    ip: String,
    lat: Number,
    long: Number,
    city: String,
    country: String,
    temp: String,
    conditions: String
  mounted () {
      .then(response => (
        this.resp = response.data,
        this.temp = response.data.currently.temperature,
        this.conditions = response.data.currently.summary


Typically you would separate out this model logic into its own module, using something like vuex, so the data flow for components is completely uni-directional.通常,您会使用 vuex 之类的东西将这个模型逻辑分离到它自己的模块中,因此组件的数据流是完全单向的。

But in this case, the simplest solution is to add a v-if="responseReady" directive to the <Weather> component in App.vue so that it does not get mounted until the data is ready.但在这种情况下,最简单的解决方案是在 App.vue 中的<Weather>组件中添加一个v-if="responseReady"指令,以便在数据准备好之前不会挂载。 You will also need to add a boolean flag for this new prop to data and onResponse .您还需要为这个新道具添加一个布尔标志到dataonResponse Again, this is the quick and dirty solution.同样,这是快速而肮脏的解决方案。

  <Weather v-if="responseReady"  msg="The weather for:" :lat="lat" :long="long" :ip="ip" :city="city" :country="country"/>
  data() {
    return {
        lat: 0,
        long: 0,
        ip: 0,
        country: 0,
        city: 0,
        responseReady: false
    onResponse(event) {
      this.lat = event.lat
      this.long = event.long
      this.ip = event.ip
      this.country = event.country
      this.city = event.city
      this.responseReady = true;

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