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在细分的网页上使用 selenium driver.find_element().click()

[英]Using selenium driver.find_element().click() on a subdivided webpage

First of all, I'm completely new in web scraping, html and selenium, so my question might not seem meaningful to you.首先,我对网页抓取、html 和 selenium 完全陌生,所以我的问题对您来说可能没有意义。

What I'm trying to do: automated click on an image on a webpage.我想要做的是:自动点击网页上的图片。 Manual click on this image allows to display new information on a part of the webpage.手动单击此图像可以在网页的一部分上显示新信息。

How I tried to do it: I found something specific to this image, for example:我是如何尝试的:我发现了一些特定于该图像的内容,例如:

<img src="images/btn_qmj.gif" border="0">

So I just entered in python:所以我刚刚输入python:

xpath = '//img[@src="images/btn_qmj.gif"]'

Problem: this returns me an empty list.问题:这会返回一个空列表。 I partially understood why, but I don't have any solution.我部分理解为什么,但我没有任何解决方案。

image of the html code inspector html 代码检查器的图像

I included here an image of the html tree I obtain on the web inspector.我在这里包含了我在网络检查器上获得的 html 树的图像。 As one can see, the tree to reach my line of interest gives "/html/frameset/frame 1 / #document /html/body/center/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/a/img".如您所见,到达我感兴趣的行的树给出了“/html/frameset/frame 1 / #document /html/body/center/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/a/img”。 The issue is that I cannot access -by using an xpath- anything that comes after the #document.问题是我无法通过使用 xpath 访问 #document 之后的任何内容。 If I try to copy the xpath of my line of interest, it tracks it back only up to the 2nd "/html".如果我尝试复制我感兴趣的行的 xpath,它只会将其跟踪回第二个“/html”。 It is like the page is subdivided, compartmentalized, with inner parts I cannot access.这就像页面被细分,分隔,内部部分我无法访问。 I suppose there is a way to access the #document content, maybe it refers to another webpage, but I'm stuck at that point.我想有一种方法可以访问 #document 内容,也许它指的是另一个网页,但我当时被卡住了。 I would be very grateful if anyone could help me on this.如果有人可以帮助我,我将不胜感激。



You need to switch control to frame first to handle image on it.您需要先将控制切换到帧以处理其上的图像。 Please see below code for your reference请参阅以下代码供您参考

 WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(
 EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "'//img[@src="images/btn_qmj.gif"]'"))).click()

Note :: You need to add below imports注意:: 您需要添加以下导入

from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC

The element is present inside an iframe .In order to access the element you need to switch it first.该元素存在于iframe 。为了访问该元素,您需要先切换它。

Induce WebDriverWait () and frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it ()引入WebDriverWait () 和frame_to_be_available_and_switch_to_it ()

Induce WebDriverWait () and visibility_of_element_located()引入WebDriverWait () 和visibility_of_element_located()


You need to import following libraries.您需要导入以下库。

from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

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