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通过平衡器时 Springws 和 MTOM 客户端 KO

[英]Springws and MTOM client KO when pass through a balancer

I have a problem with a client that sends a pdf binary document with MTOM enabled to a soapservice.我有一个客户端问题,该客户端将启用了 MTOM 的 pdf 二进制文档发送到soapservice。 The service is correctly exposed and served.服务被正确暴露和服务。 When i call the endpoint of the server that expose the service all goes ok, when i call the same service through a "service gateway" it sends back a "bad request" after it receive all the request.当我调用暴露服务的服务器端点时一切正常,当我通过“服务网关”调用同一个服务时,它在收到所有请求后发回“错误请求”。

>Accept-Encoding: gzip
>Content-Type: multipart/related;type="application/xop+xml";start-info="text/xml"
>Content-Disposition: attachment
>Accept: text/xml, text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
>SOAPAction: "http://ws.documents...."
>Content-Type: Multipart/Related; boundary="----=_Part_1_1067527082.1584978884916"; >type="application/xop+xml"; start-info="text/xml"
>Cache-Control: no-cache
>Pragma: no-cache
>User-Agent: Java/1.8.0_222
>Host: service.xx.yy:8080
>Connection: keep-alive
>Content-Length: 105614

> This is the trace of the service gateway:
> v^[¹‹‘HTTP/1.1 400 [ISC.0064.9101] Bad Request Connection: close
> Content-Length: 0

The same service gateway is a passthrough of all other services without mtom and all goes ok.相同的服务网关是没有 mtom 的所有其他服务的直通,一切顺利。 The weird thing is that when i call with soapui with attachment and MTOM enabled through the service gateway the call ends correctly.奇怪的是,当我使用通过服务网关启用附件和 MTOM 的soapui 呼叫时,呼叫正确结束。 This is the core of the code:这是代码的核心:

response = (JAXBElement<CreateDocumentsResponseType>) wst.marshalSendAndReceive(uri,request);
  1. Where wst is a normal WebServiceTemplate instance with MTOM enabled其中wst是启用了 MTOM 的普通 WebServiceTemplate 实例
  2. request is the envelope marshalled with the document already packed with datahandler. request是与已经用 datahandler 打包的文档一起编组的信封。

Before send the message, i made an interceptor to set the request header with custom authentication.在发送消息之前,我做了一个拦截器来设置带有自定义身份验证的请求标头。

The balancer made a "preflight" that the webservicetemplate don't treat correctly.平衡器进行了 webservicetemplate 未正确处理的“预检”。 Created custom interceptor to handle this.创建自定义拦截器来处理这个。

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