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我们如何使用 javascript DOM 更改背景图像的线性渐变?

[英]How do we change linear-gradient of background image using javascript DOM?


    document.querySelector('.image').style.backgroundImage = 'linear-gradient(to top,rgba(${e.offsetX},${e.offsetY},22,0.5),rgba(31, 22, 26, 0.8)), url("https://pics.freeartbackgrounds.com/fullhd/Morning_Sea_and_Boat_Background-318.jpg")';


I wrote this EventListener function and want to change the gradient of my background image with mousemove event.我写了这个 EventListener 函数,想用 mousemove 事件改变我的背景图像的渐变。 This is not working.这是行不通的。

I believe you missed the `` that's all我相信你错过了``仅此而已

 window.onload = ()=> { document.querySelector('.image').addEventListener('mousemove',(e)=>{ const style = `linear-gradient(to top right,rgba(${e.offsetX},${e.offsetY},22,0.5),rgba(31, 22, 26, 0.8))`; console.log(style); document.querySelector('.image').style.backgroundImage = style; }); }
 <html> <head></head> <body> <image width="200" height="200" class="image" src="" /> </body> </html>

You can try :你可以试试 :

  var element = document.querySelector('.class');//The class of your element
    var change = document.querySelector ('.stepPre p');

element.addEventListener('click', function FUNCTIONNAME(){
    change.innerHTML = 'here you change the p of .stepPre';
    change.style.backgroundImage = 'linear-gradient(-120deg, #75d9e0,#5ddfff)';

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