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如何在 Google Apps Scripts 字典中使用数组作为键,并在遍历字典时保持其数组结构

[英]How do I use an array as a key in a Google Apps Scripts dictionary and have it maintain its array structure while I iterate over the dictionary

Why do the square brackets of the array get taken away when I use the array as a key?当我使用数组作为键时,为什么数组的方括号会被拿走? Looking at this function and the output vs expected output, how do I make sure the key is actually an array and that I can index it as such?查看此函数和输出与预期输出,我如何确保键实际上是一个数组并且我可以这样索引它?

function functionName() {
  d = {};
  a = [3, 3];
  d[a] = 100;
  //output: {3,3=100.0}
  //expected output: {[3,3]=100.0}
  for (var key in d){
    //output: 3,3
    //expected output: [3, 3]
    //output: 100.0

    //I would like to be able to say
    //index1 = key[0];
    //index2 = key[1];
    //where index1 and index2 will evaluate to 3
    //but this throws an error



Because Objects only allow strings as keys.因为对象只允许字符串作为键。 Use Map instead:改用地图

 function functionName() { d = new Map(); a = [3, 3]; d.set(a,100); console.log([...d]);//expected output: {[3,3]=100.0} d.forEach((value, key)=>console.info({key,value})) } functionName();

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