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Psycopg2 无法创建表

[英]Psycopg2 can not create table

From Jupiter notebook, I was able to create Database with Psycopg2.从 Jupiter notebook 中,我能够使用 Psycopg2 创建数据库。 But somehow I was not able to create Table and store element in it.但不知何故,我无法创建表并在其中存储元素。

import psycopg2
from psycopg2.extensions import ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT

con = psycopg2.connect("user=postgres password='abc'");

cursor          = con.cursor();
name_Database   = "socialmedia";

sqlCreateDatabase = "create database "+name_Database+";"


With the above code, I can see database named "socialmedia" from psql (windows command prompt).使用上面的代码,我可以从 psql(windows 命令提示符)看到名为“socialmedia”的数据库。

But with the below code, I can not see table named "test_table" from psql.但是使用下面的代码,我看不到 psql 中名为“test_table”的表。

import psycopg2

# Open a DB session
dbSession = psycopg2.connect("dbname='socialmedia' user='postgres' password='abc'");
# Open a database cursor
dbCursor = dbSession.cursor();
# SQL statement to create a table
sqlCreateTable  = "CREATE TABLE test_table(id bigint, cityname varchar(128), latitude numeric, longitude numeric);";
# Execute CREATE TABLE command
# Insert statements
sqlInsertRow1  = "INSERT INTO test_table values(1, 'New York City', 40.73, -73.93)";
sqlInsertRow2  = "INSERT INTO test_table values(2, 'San Francisco', 37.733, -122.446)";

# Insert statement

# Select statement
sqlSelect = "select * from test_table";
rows = dbCursor.fetchall();

# Print rows
for row in rows:

I can get elements only from Jupyter notebook, but not from psql.我只能从 Jupyter notebook 获取元素,而不能从 psql 获取元素。 And it seems elements are stored temporarily.似乎元素是临时存储的。

How can I see table and elements from psql and keep the element permanently?如何从 psql 中查看表和元素并永久保留元素?

I don't see any dbCursor.execute('commit') in the second part of your question?我在问题的第二部分没有看到任何dbCursor.execute('commit')

You have provided an example with AUTOCOMMIT which works, and you are asking why results are stored temporarly when you are not using AUTOCOMMIT?您提供了一个 AUTOCOMMIT 的示例,该示例有效,并且您在问为什么在不使用 AUTOCOMMIT 时results are stored temporarly Well, they are not commited!好吧,他们没有承诺!

They are stored only for the current session, that's why you can get it from your Jupyter session它们仅针对当前会话存储,这就是您可以从 Jupyter 会话中获取它的原因


  • you don't need to put semicolons in your python code你不需要在你的python代码中加入分号
  • you don't need to put semicolons in your SQL code (except when you execute multiple statements, which is not the case here)你不需要在你的 SQL 代码中放置分号(除非你执行多个语句,这里不是这种情况)

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