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[英]How to pass a reference to a template typename argument

Is there a way to pass a reference as an argument to a template typename argument?有没有办法将引用作为参数传递给模板类型名参数? I mean so instead of passing an int, for example, to pass a reference to an int.我的意思是这样,而不是传递 int,例如,传递对 int 的引用。

template <typename T>
struct Foo
    Foo(T arg) : ptr(arg) {}
    T ptr;

int main() 
    int* a = new int(6);
    Foo<decltype(a)> foo1(a); // ptr is a copy of a pointer
    Foo<decltype(&a)> foo1(&a); // ptr seems to be a pointer to a pointer

I know I can make the 'ptr' member be a reference to a pointer by making it T& in the class, but I was wondering if this can be done from argument that's passed to the template argument.我知道我可以通过在类中将它设为 T& 来使 'ptr' 成员成为对指针的引用,但我想知道这是否可以通过传递给模板参数的参数来完成。

You're looking for Foo<decltype(a) &> foo1(a) .您正在寻找Foo<decltype(a) &> foo1(a)

A more obscure alternative (which works in this specific case) is Foo<decltype((a))> foo1(a) .一个更模糊的替代方案(在这种特定情况下有效)是Foo<decltype((a))> foo1(a)

As an alternative to the previous answer, you can use std::reference_wrapper作为上一个答案的替代方案,您可以使用std::reference_wrapper

std::reference_wrapper is a class template that wraps a reference in a copyable, assignable object. std::reference_wrapper 是一个类模板,它将引用包装在可复制、可分配的对象中。 It is frequently used as a mechanism to store references inside standard containers (like std::vector) which cannot normally hold references.它经常用作将引用存储在通常不能保存引用的标准容器(如 std::vector)中的机制。

#include <functional>

template <typename T>
struct Foo
  Foo(T arg) : ptr(arg)
  T ptr;

int main()
  int* a = new int(6);

  Foo<std::reference_wrapper<int*>> foo1(std::ref(a));
  foo1.ptr[0] = 1;  // ok

  // This also works
  int* b = new int(6);
  Foo<std::reference_wrapper<decltype(b)>> foo2(std::ref(b));
  // and this too
  foo1 = foo2;

  // Or, if you use c++17, even this
  Foo foo3(std::ref(b));

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