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后台线程中的 Progress bar.setProgress(variable)

[英]Progress bar.setProgress(variable) in a background thread

this is my first question on stack (great community, thanks!)这是我关于堆栈的第一个问题(很棒的社区,谢谢!)

So, I have this problem:所以,我有这个问题:

I'm developing an android application with a tab layout.我正在开发一个带有选项卡布局的 android 应用程序。 Whenever I navigate to the "Status" tab, I'd like to show a circular ProgressBar that is updated according to the value of a variable.每当我导航到“状态”选项卡时,我都想显示一个根据变量值更新的圆形ProgressBar Let's call this variable prog .让我们称这个变量为prog Moreover, I'd like to display in the center of the ProgressBar a TextView that displays the same value of prog .此外,我想在 ProgressBar 的中心显示一个TextView ,它显示与prog相同的值。

I have came up with this part of code:我想出了这部分代码:

public class StatusFragment extends Fragment

    private ProgressBar torqueRefProgressBar;
    private TextView torqueRefTextView;

    RunningThreadExample r;
    private Thread t1;

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
        //Inflate the layout for this fragment
        return ...;


    public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState)
        // Initializations and other parts not relevant for the question...

        this.torqueRefProgressBar   =   getView().findViewById(R.id.torqueRefProgressBar);

        this.torqueRefTextView      =   getView().findViewById(R.id.torqueRefTextView);

        t1 = new Thread( this.torqueRefProgressBar, this.torqueRefTextView)); // passing arguments by value but values are references to the objects, therefore I'm passing by ref




In this Fragment I create the ProgressBar and the TextView and then pass them to the Runnable as you can see below在这个片段中,我创建了 ProgressBar 和 TextView,然后将它们传递给 Runnable,如下所示

public class RunningThreadExample implements Runnable

    ProgressBar torqueRefProgBar_thread;
    TextView torqueRefTextView_thread;

    public RunningThreadExample(ProgressBar progressBar, TextView textView)
        this.torqueRefProgBar_thread = progressBar;
        this.torqueRefTextView_thread = textView;
        this.endScale = this.torqueRefProgBar_thread.getMax();

    public void run()

       float i = 0;

       double temp = 0;

                Thread.sleep(1000/60); // update freq 60Hz
            catch (InterruptedException e)

            temp = getCurrentVariableValue(); // Not shown here (returns a double)

            this.torqueRefProgBar_thread.setProgress((int) temp);


        Log.i(INFO_TAG,"Finishing thread!!!!!");



I'd like this update to run all the time the app is working (for this reason I've neglected AsyncTask ).我希望此更新在应用程序运行时一直运行(因此我忽略了AsyncTask )。 After a while, it happens that the ProgressBar stops updating, while the TextView continues to work without any problem.一段时间后,ProgressBar 会停止更新,而 TextView 继续正常工作,没有任何问题。

I've been reading that a possible cause could be that the calling setProgress(temp) might stuck the UI.我一直在读到一个可能的原因可能是调用setProgress(temp)可能会卡住 UI。 However I can't understand while the TextView is still working.但是,当 TextView 仍在工作时,我无法理解。

Can you suggest a better way to make the progressBar update?你能建议一个更好的方法来更新进度条吗?

Thank you!谢谢!

See this thread:看到这个线程:

Android basics: running code in the UI thread Android 基础:在 UI 线程中运行代码

So to summarize, Android requires certain types and sections of code to run in a specific context.总而言之,Android 需要某些类型和部分的代码才能在特定上下文中运行。 Many tools such as Handlers are available to help with these tasks but it was difficult to learn to begin with.许多工具(例如处理程序)可用于帮助完成这些任务,但开始时很难学习。

You cannot affect View from any Thread other than Main Thread.您不能从主线程以外的任何线程影响视图。 Do the following in run() methodrun()方法中run()以下操作

runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { 

 this.torqueRefProgBar_thread.setProgress((int) temp);
      }      this.torqueRefTextView_thread.setText(String.valueOf(temp));

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