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生成文件并上传到 ruby​​ on rails

[英]Generate file and upload in back ruby on rails

I have the following code that generates an excel我有以下生成excel的代码

book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new
sheet1 = book.create_worksheet


send_data file_contents.string.force_encoding("binary"), filename: file_name

but I need to upload the file as an attachment to a comment without downloading it from the same back upload the file.但我需要将文件作为评论的附件上传,而不是从同一回上传文件下载。

TaskComment.create(task_execution_id: params[:bank_reconciliation][:task_execution],
                   user_id: 3, activity_step: params[:bank_reconciliation][:activity_id], comment: "comenteario",
                   file1: **here file**)

please help me请帮我

book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new sheet1 = book.create_worksheet sheet1.row(0).push "", "CHEQUES COBRADOS Y NO CONTABILIZADOS ", "$" temp_file = Tempfile.new(filename) book.write temp_file.path upload = ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile.new({ :filename => "conciliacion_bancaria.xls", #:type => "application/vnd.ms-excel", :type => "application/excel", :tempfile => temp_file, }) TaskComment.create( file1: upload)

it worked for me它对我有用

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