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离子电容器 Android 构建问题 - 任务 ':capacitor-cordova-android-plugins:fabricGenerateResourcesDebug' 执行失败

[英]Ionic Capacitor Android build issue - Execution failed for task ':capacitor-cordova-android-plugins:fabricGenerateResourcesDebug'

I had an old Ionic 3 project (with Cordova) and I started writing and developing it from scratch in Ionic 5 (With capacitor).我有一个旧的 Ionic 3 项目(使用 Cordova),我开始在 Ionic 5(使用电容器)中从头开始编写和开发它。

I have the following plugins:我有以下插件:

cordova-plugin-androidx (1.0.2)
cordova-plugin-androidx-adapter (1.1.0)
cordova-plugin-camera (4.1.0)
cordova-plugin-device (2.0.3)
cordova-plugin-firebasex (9.0.1)
cordova-plugin-printer (0.8.0)

I successfully followed the full workaround that Capacitor has in the documentation, running the necessary commands in order to create the Android project.我成功地遵循了 Capacitor 在文档中提供的完整解决方法,运行了必要的命令以创建 Android 项目。 I opened the project with Android studio.我用 Android Studio 打开了这个项目。 Here's a brief of the modules (they are all updated with the latest):以下是模块的简介(它们都已更新为最新版本):


The issue appears when I'm trying to build the signed APK file.当我尝试构建已签名的 APK 文件时会出现此问题。 The error I get is the following:我得到的错误如下:

Execution failed for task ' :capacitor-cordova-android-plugins:fabricGenerateResourcesDebug '.任务“ :capacitor-cordova-android-plugins:fabricGenerateResourcesDebug ”的执行失败。 Crashlytics Developer Tools error. Crashlytics 开发人员工具错误。

Additional message is saying:附加信息是这样说的:

Crashlytics could not find the manifest. Crashlytics 找不到清单。 Not found at ...\\android\\capacitor-cordova-android-plugins\\build\\intermediates\\merged_manifests\\debug\\AndroidManifest.xml...\\android\\capacitor-cordova-android-plugins\\build\\intermediates\\merged_manifests\\debug\\AndroidManifest.xml 中找不到

I mention that I have the Firebase Crashlytics turned on in the Firebase Console.我提到我在 Firebase 控制台中打开了 Firebase Crashlytics。

Any help with these?这些有什么帮助吗?

If you don't need Crashlytics in your project then you will have to comment out the apply plugin: com.crashlytics.tools.gradle.CrashlyticsPlugin and crashlytics { enableNdk true } from cordova-plugin-firebasex android build.gradle file如果您的项目中不需要 Crashlytics,则必须注释掉apply plugin: com.crashlytics.tools.gradle.CrashlyticsPlugincrashlytics { enableNdk true }来自cordova-plugin-firebasex firebasex android build.gradle 文件在此处输入图片说明

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