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[英]How to test livedata with coroutine in unit test

I am using mockito, junit5 and coroutine to fetch data in Repository.我正在使用 mockito、junit5 和协程来获取存储库中的数据。 But the no method got invoked in the test cases.但是在测试用例中调用了 no 方法。 I tried to use the normal suspend function without any Dispatchers and emit() functions and it works.我尝试使用没有任何Dispatchersemit()函数的普通挂起函数,它可以工作。 Therefore, I guess the cause may be due to the livedata coroutine因此,我猜原因可能是由于 livedata 协程

GitReposRepository.kt GitReposRepository.kt

fun loadReposSuspend(owner: String) = liveData(Dispatchers.IO) {
    val response = githubService.getReposNormal(owner)
    val repos = response.body()!!
    if (repos.isEmpty()) {
    } else {
                           .map { Result.Success(it) })

GitReposRepositoryTest.kt GitReposRepositoryTest.kt

internal class GitRepoRepositoryTest {

    private lateinit var appExecutors:AppExecutors
    private lateinit var repoDao: RepoDao
    private lateinit var githubService: GithubService
    private lateinit var gitRepoRepository: GitRepoRepository

    internal fun setUp() {
        appExecutors = mock(AppExecutors::class.java)
        repoDao = mock(RepoDao::class.java)
        githubService = mock(GithubService::class.java)
        gitRepoRepository = GitRepoRepository(appExecutors,

    internal fun `should call network to fetch result and insert to db`() = runBlocking {
        val owner = "Testing"
        val response = Response.success(listOf(Repo(),Repo()))

After few days searching on the internet.在网上搜索了几天后。 I find out how to do the unit test with coroutine in livedata and come up with the following ideas.我找到了如何在 livedata 中使用协程进行单元测试并提出以下想法。 It might not be the best idea but hope it can bring some insight to the people who have similar problems.这可能不是最好的主意,但希望它可以为有类似问题的人带来一些见识。

There are few necessary parts for coroutine unit test with livedata:使用 livedata 进行协程单元测试的必要部分很少:

  1. Need to add 2 rules for the unit test ( Coroutine Rule, InstantExecutor Rule ).需要为单元测试添加 2 条规则Coroutine Rule 、 InstantExecutor Rule )。 If you use Junit5 like me, you should use extensions instead.如果你像我一样使用 Junit5,你应该使用扩展。 Coroutine Rule provide the function for you to use the testCoroutine dispatcher in Java UnitTest . Coroutine Rule 提供了在Java UnitTest 中使用 testCoroutine dispatcher 的功能。 InstantExecutor Rule provide the function for you to monitor the livedata emit value in Java UnitTest . InstantExecutor Rule 为您提供监视Java UnitTest 中livedata 发出值的功能。 And be careful coroutine.dispatcher is the most important part for testing coroutine in Java UnitTest .并且要小心coroutine.dispatcherJava UnitTest 中测试协程最重要的部分。 It is suggested to watch the video about Coroutine testing in Kotlin https://youtu.be/KMb0Fs8rCRs建议观看 Kotlin 协程测试视频https://youtu.be/KMb0Fs8rCRs

  2. Need to set the CoroutineDispatcher to be injected in Constructor需要在Constructor中设置要注入的CoroutineDispatcher

    You should ALWAYS inject Dispatchers ( https://youtu.be/KMb0Fs8rCRs?t=850 )您应该始终注入 Dispatchers ( https://youtu.be/KMb0Fs8rCRs?t=850 )

  3. Some livedata extension for livedata to help you verify the values of emitted values from live data. livedata 的一些 livedata 扩展可帮助您验证来自实时数据的发出值的值。

Here is my repository ( I follow the recommended app architecture in android official)这是我的存储库(我遵循 android 官方推荐的应用程序架构

GitRepoRepository.kt (This idea comes from 2 sources , LegoThemeRepository , NetworkBoundResource GitRepoRepository.kt(这个想法来自 2 个来源, LegoThemeRepositoryNetworkBoundResource

class GitRepoRepository @Inject constructor(private val appExecutors: AppExecutors,
                                            private val repoDao: RepoDao,
                                            private val githubService: GithubService,
                                            private val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO,
                                            private val repoListRateLimit: RateLimiter<String> = RateLimiter(
) {

    fun loadRepo(owner: String
    ): LiveData<Result<List<Repo>>> = repositoryLiveData(
            localResult = { repoDao.loadRepositories(owner) },
            remoteResult = {
                transformResult { githubService.getRepo(owner) }.apply {
                    if (this is Result.Error) {
            shouldFetch = { repoListRateLimit.shouldFetch(owner) },
            saveFetchResult = { repoDao.insertRepos(it) },
            dispatcher = this.dispatcher

GitRepoRepositoryTest.kt GitRepoRepositoryTest.kt

class GitRepoRepositoryTest {

    // Set the main coroutines dispatcher for unit testing
    companion object {
        var coroutinesRule = CoroutinesTestExtension()

    private lateinit var appExecutors: AppExecutors
    private lateinit var repoDao: RepoDao
    private lateinit var githubService: GithubService
    private lateinit var gitRepoRepository: GitRepoRepository
    private lateinit var rateLimiter: RateLimiter<String>

    fun setUp() {
        appExecutors = mock(AppExecutors::class.java)
        repoDao = mock(RepoDao::class.java)
        githubService = mock(GithubService::class.java)
        rateLimiter = mock(RateLimiter::class.java) as RateLimiter<String>
        gitRepoRepository = GitRepoRepository(appExecutors,

    fun `should not call network to fetch result if the process in rate limiter is not valid`() = coroutinesRule.runBlocking {
        val owner = "Tom"
        val response = Response.success(listOf(Repo(), Repo()))
        verify(githubService, never()).getRepo(owner)
        verify(repoDao, never()).insertRepos(anyList())

    fun `should reset ratelimiter if the network response contains error`() = coroutinesRule.runBlocking {
        val owner = "Tom"
        val response = Response.error<List<Repo>>(500,
                                                  "Test Server Error".toResponseBody(
        verify(rateLimiter, times(1)).reset(owner)

CoroutineUtil.kt (Idea also came from here , Here should be the custom implementation if you want to log some information, and the following test cases provide some insights for you how to test it in coroutine CoroutineUtil.kt(idea也来自这里如果你想记录一些信息这里应该是自定义实现,下面的测试用例为你如何在coroutine中测试提供了一些见解

sealed class Result<out R> {
    data class Success<out T>(val data: T) : Result<T>()
    object Loading : Result<Nothing>()
    data class Error<T>(val message: String) : Result<T>()
    object Finish : Result<Nothing>()

fun <T, A> repositoryLiveData(localResult: (() -> LiveData<T>) = { MutableLiveData() },
                              remoteResult: (suspend () -> Result<A>)? = null,
                              saveFetchResult: suspend (A) -> Unit = { Unit },
                              dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO,
                              shouldFetch: () -> Boolean = { true }
): LiveData<Result<T>> =
        liveData(dispatcher) {
            val source: LiveData<Result<T>> = localResult.invoke()
                    .map { Result.Success(it) }
            try {
                remoteResult?.let {
                    if (shouldFetch.invoke()) {
                        when (val response = it.invoke()) {
                            is Result.Success -> {
                            is Result.Error -> {
                            else -> {
            } catch (e: Exception) {
            } finally {

suspend fun <T> transformResult(call: suspend () -> Response<T>): Result<T> {
    try {
        val response = call()
        if (response.isSuccessful) {
            val body = response.body()
            if (body != null) return Result.Success(body)
        return error(" ${response.code()} ${response.message()}")
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        return error(e.message ?: e.toString())

fun <T> error(message: String): Result<T> {
    return Result.Error("Network call has failed for a following reason: $message")

CoroutineUtilKtTest.kt CoroutineUtilKtTest.kt

interface Delegation {
    suspend fun remoteResult(): Result<String>
    suspend fun saveResult(s: String)
    fun localResult(): MutableLiveData<String>
    fun shouldFetch(): Boolean

fun <T> givenSuspended(block: suspend () -> T) = BDDMockito.given(runBlocking { block() })

class CoroutineUtilKtTest {
    // Set the main coroutines dispatcher for unit testing
    companion object {
        var coroutinesRule = CoroutinesTestExtension()

    val delegation: Delegation = mock()
    private val LOCAL_RESULT = "Local Result Fetch"
    private val REMOTE_RESULT = "Remote Result Fetch"
    private val REMOTE_CRASH = "Remote Result Crash"

    fun setUp() {
        given { delegation.shouldFetch() }
        given { delegation.localResult() }
        givenSuspended { delegation.remoteResult() }

    fun `should call local result only if the remote result should not fetch`() = coroutinesRule.runBlocking {
        given { delegation.shouldFetch() }.willReturn(false)

        repositoryLiveData<String, String>(
                localResult = { delegation.localResult() },
                remoteResult = { delegation.remoteResult() },
                shouldFetch = { delegation.shouldFetch() },
                dispatcher = coroutinesRule.dispatcher
        verify(delegation, times(1)).localResult()
        verify(delegation, never()).remoteResult()

    fun `should call remote result and then save result`() = coroutinesRule.runBlocking {
        repositoryLiveData<String, String>(
                shouldFetch = { delegation.shouldFetch() },
                remoteResult = { delegation.remoteResult() },
                saveFetchResult = { s -> delegation.saveResult(s) },
                dispatcher = coroutinesRule.dispatcher
        verify(delegation, times(1)).remoteResult()

    fun `should emit Loading, Success, Finish Status when we fetch local and then remote`() = coroutinesRule.runBlocking {
        val ld = repositoryLiveData<String, String>(
                localResult = { delegation.localResult() },
                shouldFetch = { delegation.shouldFetch() },
                remoteResult = { delegation.remoteResult() },
                saveFetchResult = { delegation.shouldFetch() },
                dispatcher = coroutinesRule.dispatcher
        ld.captureValues {
                                     Result.Finish), values)

    fun `should emit Loading,Success, Error, Success, Finish Status when we fetch remote but fail`() = coroutinesRule.runBlocking {
        givenSuspended { delegation.remoteResult() }
        val ld = repositoryLiveData<String, String>(
                localResult = { delegation.localResult() },
                shouldFetch = { delegation.shouldFetch() },
                remoteResult = { delegation.remoteResult() },
                saveFetchResult = { delegation.shouldFetch() },
                dispatcher = coroutinesRule.dispatcher
        ld.captureValues {
            ), values)


LiveDataTestUtil.kt (This idea comes from aac sample , kotlin-coroutine ) LiveDataTestUtil.kt(这个想法来自aac sample , kotlin-coroutine

fun <T> LiveData<T>.getOrAwaitValue(
        time: Long = 2,
        timeUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS,
        afterObserve: () -> Unit = {}
): T {
    var data: T? = null
    val latch = CountDownLatch(1)
    val observer = object : Observer<T> {
        override fun onChanged(o: T?) {
            data = o


    // Don't wait indefinitely if the LiveData is not set.
    if (!latch.await(time, timeUnit)) {
        throw TimeoutException("LiveData value was never set.")

    return data as T

class LiveDataValueCapture<T> {

    val lock = Any()

    private val _values = mutableListOf<T?>()
    val values: List<T?>
        get() = synchronized(lock) {
            _values.toList() // copy to avoid returning reference to mutable list

    fun addValue(value: T?) = synchronized(lock) {
        _values += value

inline fun <T> LiveData<T>.captureValues(block: LiveDataValueCapture<T>.() -> Unit) {
    val capture = LiveDataValueCapture<T>()
    val observer = Observer<T> {
    try {
    } finally {

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