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Powershell 过滤器 ADgroups 的正确方式

[英]Powershell Filter ADgroups the right way

Hi im trying to Filter AD-Groups by a string i defined in a variable:嗨,我正在尝试通过我在变量中定义的字符串过滤 AD 组:

Get-ADGroup -filter {GroupCategory -eq "security" -and Name -like ($sgroup_name+"*")}

How do i do this the right way?我该如何以正确的方式做到这一点?

String expansion doesn't work well with the -Filter parameter when passing it a script block - use a string filter instead:-Filter参数传递给脚本块时,字符串扩展不适用于-Filter参数 - 请改用字符串过滤器:

$groupname = "string"

Get-ADGroup -Filter "GroupCategory -eq 'security' -and Name -like '${groupname}*'"

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