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本地主机通配符 SSL 与 Puma

[英]Localhost wildcard SSL with Puma

I have a Rails 6.0 app with Puma 4.3.我有一个带有 Puma 4.3 的 Rails 6.0 应用程序。 I need to set up a wildcard SSL certificate using a custom domain.我需要使用自定义域设置通配符 SSL 证书。 I've looked at a bunch of different resources out there but I can't seem to get anything working correctly.我查看了一堆不同的资源,但似乎无法正常工作。 Most everything I've seen out there caters to non-wildcard setups.我在那里看到的大多数东西都迎合了非通配符设置。

Here is my config/puma.rb .这是我的config/puma.rb I've tried the current configurations as well as the stuff that is commented out.我已经尝试了当前的配置以及注释掉的内容。

# Configure Puma server

require 'fileutils'
workers Integer(ENV.fetch('WEB_CONCURRENCY', 2))
threads_count = Integer(ENV.fetch('MAX_THREADS', 5))
threads threads_count, threads_count

key  = %w[. config ssl myapp-local.com.key].join('/')
crt = %w[. config ssl myapp-local.com.crt].join('/')
ssl_bind '', '9292', {
  key:         key,
  cert:        crt,
  verify_mode: :peer
# if ENV['ENVIRONMENT'] == 'development'
#   unless File.exist?(key)
#     def generate_root_cert(root_key)
#       root_ca = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new
#       root_ca.version = 2 # cf. RFC 5280 - to make it a "v3" certificate
#       root_ca.serial = 0x0
#       root_ca.subject = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse "/C=BE/O=A1/OU=A/CN=*.myapp-local.com"
#       root_ca.issuer = root_ca.subject # root CA's are "self-signed"
#       root_ca.public_key = root_key.public_key
#       root_ca.not_before = Time.now
#       root_ca.not_after = root_ca.not_before + 2 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 2 years validity
#       root_ca.sign(root_key, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new)
#       root_ca
#     end
#     root_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(2048)
#     file = File.new(key, "wb")
#     file.write(root_key)
#     file.close
#     root_cert = generate_root_cert(root_key)
#     file = File.new(cert, "wb")
#     file.write(root_cert)
#     file.close
#   end
#   ssl_bind '', '9292', {
#     key:         key,
#     cert:        cert,
#     verify_mode: :peer
#   }
#   puts "Using local SSL cert..."
# end


rackup      DefaultRackup
port        ENV.fetch('PORT', 3000)
environment ENV.fetch('RACK_ENV', 'development')

on_worker_boot do
    # Force Scout Agent launch. Required because of use of nginx in Procfile

on_worker_fork { FileUtils.touch('/tmp/app-initialized') }

I'm using foreman .我正在使用foreman Here is my Procfile.dev :这是我的Procfile.dev

redis: (ps aux | grep 6379 | grep redis | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill -s SIGINT) && redis-server --port 6379
resque: rake resque:workers QUEUE='*' COUNT='5'
scheduler: rake resque:scheduler
web: puma

Then in /etc/hosts I have:然后在/etc/hosts我有:   localhost broadcasthost
::1             localhost app.myapp-local.com

When I go to https://app.myapp-local.com:3000 I get an ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error from Chrome.当我访问https://app.myapp-local.com:3000我收到来自 Chrome 的ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR错误。

I've also tried manually generating the certificate like so:我也试过像这样手动生成证书:

openssl req \
  -new \
  -newkey rsa:2048 \
  -sha256 \
  -days 3650 \
  -nodes \
  -x509 \
  -keyout $name.key \
  -out $name.crt \
  -config <(cat <<-EOF
  distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
  x509_extensions = v3_req
  prompt = no
  CN = $name
  keyUsage = keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
  extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
  subjectAltName = @alt_names
  DNS.1 = $name
  DNS.2 = *.$name

mv myapp-local.com.crt myapp-local.com.key config/ssl
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain config/ssl/myapp-local.com.crt

I've run out of ideas.我已经没有想法了。 I can't use a different hostname (eg lvh.me or localhost) because of how the app is configured, so I need it to work with *.myapp-local.com:3000 .由于应用程序的配置方式,我不能使用不同的主机名(例如 lvh.me 或 localhost),因此我需要它与*.myapp-local.com:3000 Any help is greatly appreciated!任何帮助是极大的赞赏!


So I changed my config file like so:所以我像这样改变了我的配置文件:

if ENV['ENVIRONMENT'] == 'development'
  key  = %w[. config ssl myapp-local.com.key].join('/')
  crt  = %w[. config ssl myapp-local.com.pem].join('/')
  ca   = "/Users/Daniel Bonnell/Library/Application\ Support/Certificate\ Authority/myapp/myapp.certAuthorityConfig"

  ssl_bind '', '3000', {
    key:         key,
    cert:        crt,
    ca:          ca,
    verify_mode: :peer

Now when I boot the app I see this in the logs:现在,当我启动应用程序时,我在日志中看到了这一点:

17:12:45 web.1 | [68495] * Listening on ssl:// Bonnell/Library/Application Support/Certificate Authority/myapp/myapp.certAuthorityConfig
17:12:45 web.1 | [68495] * Listening on tcp://

If I go to https://app.myapp-local.com:3000 I see the following error:如果我转到https://app.myapp-local.com:3000我会看到以下错误:

17:14:19 web.1 | 2020-03-28 17:14:19 -0500: SSL error, peer:, peer cert: /O=member: F4B00436-9C90-4941-B053-A83BCB633934 DD31B694-6F02-4C8D-98C2-640DABBEB3F8/CN=member: F4B00436-9C90-4941-B053-A83BCB633934 DD31B694-6F02-4C8D-98C2-640DABBEB3F8, #<Puma::MiniSSL::SSLError: OpenSSL certificate verification error: unable to get local issuer certificate - 20>

If I go to https://app.myapp-local.com:5300 I see the following error:如果我转到https://app.myapp-local.com:5300我会看到以下错误:

17:15:32 web.1 | 2020-03-28 17:15:32 -0500: HTTP parse error, malformed request (): #<Puma::HttpParserError: Invalid HTTP format, parsing fails.>

I followed these steps using mkcert to generate a certificate and then I set up a local CA in my keychain (MacOS).我按照这些步骤使用mkcert生成证书,然后在我的钥匙串 (MacOS) 中设置本地 CA。

I managed to get my setup working correctly.我设法让我的设置正常工作。 I think there were two problems.我认为有两个问题。 First, I was binding SSL to port 3000 and then further down, binding Puma to port 3000. I changed port ENV.fetch('PORT', 3000) to port ENV.fetch('PORT', 3001) .首先,我将 SSL 绑定到端口 3000,然后进一步向下,将 Puma 绑定到端口 3000。我将port ENV.fetch('PORT', 3000)更改为port ENV.fetch('PORT', 3001) Second, I was pointing to the wrong CA.其次,我指向了错误的 CA。 The setup below seems to work for me now.下面的设置现在似乎对我有用。 I can access my app on port 3000 and I no longer see that pesky SSL error.我可以在端口 3000 上访问我的应用程序,并且不再看到那个讨厌的 SSL 错误。 Hope this helps someone.希望这可以帮助某人。 I spent 10 hours figuring it out.我花了 10 个小时才弄明白。 🙃 🙃

# Configure Puma server

require 'fileutils'
workers Integer(ENV.fetch('WEB_CONCURRENCY', 2))
threads_count = Integer(ENV.fetch('MAX_THREADS', 5))
threads threads_count, threads_count

# Note: Must generate an SSL certificate for local use.
# See: https://blog.filippo.io/mkcert-valid-https-certificates-for-localhost/
if ENV['ENVIRONMENT'] == 'development'
  key  = File.expand_path('./config/ssl/local_key.pem')
  crt  = File.expand_path('./config/ssl/local_cert.pem')
  ca   = File.expand_path('~/Library/Application Support/mkcert/rootCA.pem')

  ssl_bind '', 3000, {
    key:         key,
    cert:        crt,
    ca:          ca,
    verify_mode: :peer


rackup      DefaultRackup
port        ENV.fetch('PORT', 3001)
environment ENV.fetch('RACK_ENV', 'development')

on_worker_boot do
    # Force Scout Agent launch. Required because of use of nginx in Procfile

on_worker_fork { FileUtils.touch('/tmp/app-initialized') }

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