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Nexmo 入站短信

[英]Nexmo inbound sms

i have a question about Nexmo SMS and about nexmo java client.我有一个关于 Nexmo SMS 和 Nexmo Java 客户端的问题。

I have one virtual number, and I want to send from it to person A. Also, I have send and specyfing that it was sent from "Ajris".我有一个虚拟号码,我想从它发送给 A 人。此外,我已经发送并指定它是从“Ajris”发送的。 Then, i would like to send another message to that person and specify that it was sent from "Iris".然后,我想向那个人发送另一条消息,并指定它是从“Iris”发送的。 So person A has two messages, one from Ajris and one from Iris.所以人 A 有两条消息,一条来自 Ajris,一条来自 Iris。 When she replies to the message, how am I supposed to know which message did she responde to?当她回复消息时,我怎么知道她回复了哪条消息? As I have checked there aren't any fields in InboundMessage API in Nexmo which allows me to connect received message to the sent one.正如我所检查的那样,Nexmo 中的 InboundMessage API 中没有任何字段允许我将收到的消息连接到发送的消息。 Is there any chance to do it?有机会做到吗?

Because person A sends the SMS from a phone using a native client, you can not control the information being sent with the SMS message.由于 A 使用本机客户端从电话发送 SMS,因此您无法控制通过 SMS 消息发送的信息。 There is no information associated with that SMS, so there is no data you can use to correlate it to the message being replied to.没有与该 SMS 相关联的信息,因此没有数据可用于将其与正在回复的消息相关联。

One way to get around that limitation is to use two Nexmo Virtual Numbers instead of one, so when person A replies, you can correlate based on the Nexmo Virtual Number used.绕过该限制的一种方法是使用两个 Nexmo 虚拟号码而不是一个,因此当 A 回复时,您可以根据使用的 Nexmo 虚拟号码进行关联。

For what you're looking to do - you would need multiple Nexmo Numbers.对于您要执行的操作 - 您需要多个 Nexmo 号码。 You can then pull the to field out of the Inbound SMS and use that to map between the two distinct individuals.然后,您可以从入站 SMS 中提取to字段,并使用它在两个不同的个人之间进行映射。

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