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Drools 引擎和数据库的区别

[英]Difference between Drools engine and Database

I was going through Drools documentation and found it is not doing anything interesting / solving any problems (May be I'm wrong).我正在浏览 Drools 文档,发现它没有做任何有趣的事情/解决任何问题(可能是我错了)。

In drools we specify the business rules (in .drl file) as, for example,在 drools 中,我们将业务规则(在 .drl 文件中)指定为,例如,

  when "type = jewellery" then setDiscount(25%)
  when "type = KidDress" then setDiscount(30%) 
  1. What is the difference between the above vs using database?以上与使用数据库有什么区别?

  2. I can ALWAYS expose custom API's from which business rules can be specified and I can directly store it in RDBMS.我总是可以公开自定义 API,从中可以指定业务规则,我可以直接将它存储在 RDBMS 中。 Formally if required, I can build a sample UI (in 1-2 days) which integrates with exposed APIs.如果需要,我可以正式构建一个示例 UI(在 1-2 天内),它与公开的 API 集成。 This will also allow business people's to easily add/update/delete rules If I expose CRUD operations.如果我公开 CRUD 操作,这也将允许业务人员轻松添加/更新/删除规则。

For something as simple as I explained, what problem is Drools solving?对于我解释的这么简单的事情,Drools 解决了什么问题? I cannot find in any documentation from g-search / in official documentation.我在 g-search / 官方文档中找不到任何文档。

Can someone help here?有人可以在这里帮忙吗?

In contrast to Karol's answer, I also used Drools but I had an excellent experience with them.与 Karol 的回答相反,我也使用了 Drools,但我对它们有很好的体验。 The use cases in the documentation are intentionally simplified, but Drools can also handle much more complex use cases more efficiently than a database.文档中的用例是有意简化的,但 Drools 还可以比数据库更有效地处理更复杂的用例。 I know this for a fact, because a service that I maintained with ~ 1.4 million rules was converted to using a database (using the same arguments you presented).我知道这是一个事实,因为我使用约 140 万条规则维护的服务已转换为使用数据库(使用您提供的相同参数)。 It went from averaging 30-100 ms to respond to a query, to taking 750ms to over 2 minutes to respond (how much longer I do not know because we timed out our queries after 2 minutes.)从平均 30-100 毫秒响应查询,到需要 750 毫秒到 2 多分钟才能响应(我不知道要多长时间,因为我们在 2 分钟后就超时了查询。)

The reason for this was that Drools allowed us to implement "fall through" logic.这样做的原因是 Drools 允许我们实现“跌倒”逻辑。 In this case, my 1.4 million rules were determining if a hospital patient would need authorization from their insurance to have a procedure done at a hospital.在这种情况下,我的 140 万条规则用于确定住院患者是否需要其保险授权才能在医院完成手术。 The rules ranged from very general to very specific;规则范围从非常普遍到非常具体; if two rules matched the input data, we favored the more specific rule.如果两个规则匹配输入数据,我们倾向于更具体的规则。 Special use cases applied if a specific hospital or hospital+insurance combination had a custom rule.如果特定医院或医院+保险组合具有自定义规则,则应用特殊用例。 We passed all the data we knew about the patient in, their entire medical history, and a ton of information about their insurance, and then the rules decided on the answer.我们传递了我们所知道的关于患者的所有数据、他们的整个病史以及大量关于他们的保险的信息,然后规则决定了答案。

Imagine this intentionally simplified scenario:想象一下这个有意简化的场景:

rule "Car"
  Car() // very simple, I have a car

rule "Red Car"
  Car( color == "red" ) // I have a red car

rule "4-door Car"
  Car( doors == 4 ) // I have a 4-door car

rule "Red Sedan"
  Car( color == "red", model == "sedan") // I have a red sedan

rule "Blue 4-Door Discount"
  Car( doors == 4, color == "blue") // I have a blue 4-door car

Now we start playing in different configurations of Car.现在我们开始玩不同配置的 Car。 A yellow car, 2-door sports car only matches the first rule and the price is 100. A red 4-door car matches two rules;黄色车,2门跑车只匹配第一条规则,价格为100。红色四门车匹配两条​​规则; is the price 75 or 200?价格是75还是200? Depends on how you've written your rules and what "set price" does;取决于您如何编写规则以及“设定价格”的作用; likely in the rules I've written here the price is 200. A blue sedan?可能在我在这里写的规则中价格是 200。一辆蓝色轿车? 100. And so on. 100. 等等。

If we converted this into a database table (for simplicity, a single table Car with columns 'color', 'model', and 'doors'), what would that query look like?如果我们将其转换为一个数据库表(为简单起见,单个表 Car 包含“color”、“model”和“doors”列),该查询会是什么样的? (I don't actually know I didn't manage to write a query that would suffice; I'm also not a DBA.) (我实际上不知道我没有设法编写足够的查询;我也不是 DBA。)

I could come up with a whole set of examples where a database-based solution would be less performant, or not recommended at all.我可以想出一整套示例,其中基于数据库的解决方案性能较差,或者根本不推荐。 For example, I once implemented a psuedo-BFS algorithm using rules to figure out an optimal upgrade path from an arbitary hardware configuration to the latest supported configuration.例如,我曾经使用规则实现了一个 psuedo-BFS 算法,以找出从任意硬件配置到最新支持配置的最佳升级路径。 (Each version could only be upgraded to distinct other versions, so we needed to figure out the fastest path from a given version to a target version, if possible.) Could this have been done in a database? (每个版本只能升级到不同的其他版本,所以我们需要找出从给定版本到目标版本的最快路径,如果可能的话。)这可以在数据库中完成吗? Possibly, but it's not the sort of thing a relational db would be good for.可能,但这不是关系数据库所擅长的。 What about code?代码呢? Sure, but now you'd have to manage your list of what-can-upgrade-to-what in code.当然,但现在您必须管理代码中可以升级到什么的列表。

For extremely simple rule sets where each rule is completely exclusive and covers all use cases?对于极其简单的规则集,其中每个规则都是完全排他的并涵盖所有用例? Sure a database might be more performant.当然,数据库的性能可能更高。 Real world situations, however, would either require overly complex queries, or might not be appropriate at all.然而,现实世界的情况要么需要过于复杂的查询,要么可能根本不合适。

And decision tables?还有决策表? Avoid them at all costs.不惜一切代价避免它们。 They are slow to load, slow to execute, hog way more memory than they need, have undocumented limitations that you'll run into if trying to use them at scale, and debugging them is a pain.它们加载缓慢,执行缓慢,占用的内存比它们需要的多,如果尝试大规模使用它们,您会遇到未记录的限制,并且调试它们很痛苦。

The two main points:主要的两点:

  1. In theory Drools rules are written in a way that can be easier to understood by non-technical people like business analysts.理论上,Drools 规则的编写方式可以让业务分析师等非技术人员更容易理解。

  2. If decision logic is stored in one place eg as a Decision Table it might be easier to manage.如果决策逻辑存储在一个地方,例如作为决策表,它可能更容易管理。 This is sometimes handy if you have a more complex calculation with a lot of variables like credit check criteria.如果您有一个更复杂的计算,其中包含许多变量(如信用检查标准),这有时会很方便。

In practice in all the projects that I worked on with Drools the developers had to write custom functions that were called from DRL file to handle more complex logic.实际上,在我使用 Drools 处理的所有项目中,开发人员必须编写从 DRL 文件调用的自定义函数来处理更复杂的逻辑。 This negated above benefits and made the solution significantly harder to manage because logic was shared between normal code and DRL files.这否定了上述好处并使解决方案更难管理,因为逻辑在普通代码和 DRL 文件之间共享。

I had bad experience when Drools and similar tools.我在使用 Drools 和类似工具时有过糟糕的经历。 I'd not recommend for simple use-cases.我不推荐用于简单的用例。

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