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用于较新节点目标的 babel7 配置在 `import` 语句中失败

[英]babel7 config for newer node targets fails on `import` statements

When building my node api with webpack and babel and node v12.13, I'm getting this error:使用 webpack 和 babel 以及 node v12.13 构建我的node api 时,我收到此错误:

Module build failed (from /../node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js):TypeError: /../src/handler.js:
Property name expected type of string but got null

This seems to be related to ES6 import statements in the source files.这似乎与源文件中的 ES6 import语句有关。

Below is the config I have ended up with.下面是我最终得到的配置。 Based on this, the only thing that makes it work is setting { targets: { node: 6 }} but I need to set target to v12.基于此,使其工作的唯一方法是设置{ targets: { node: 6 }}但我需要将 target 设置为 v12。

I haven't found a relevant discussion.我还没有找到相关的讨论。 What could be the reason for this issue?这个问题的原因是什么? This is a package inside a yarn workspace , but I think this shouldn't matter.这是一个yarn workspace内的包,但我认为这无关紧要。

.babelrc: (located in api package root, same result with a .babelrc.js or babel.config.json ) .babelrc:(位于 api 包根目录,与.babelrc.jsbabel.config.json结果相同)

  comments: false,
  presets: [
        targets: {
          node: 'current'
  plugins: [

webpack.config.js: webpack.config.js:

const path = require('path')
const nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals')
const slsw = require('serverless-webpack')
const webpack = require('webpack')

module.exports = {
  entry: slsw.lib.entries,
  target: 'node',
  mode: slsw.lib.webpack.isLocal ? 'development' : 'production',
  optimization: {
    minimize: false
  performance: {
    hints: false
  devtool: slsw.lib.webpack.isLocal ? 'eval-source-map' : 'none',
  externals: [
    nodeExternals({ whitelist: ['workspace-package-b'] }),
      modulesDir: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../node_modules'),
      whitelist: ['workspace-package-b']
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.graphql$/,
        loader: 'graphql-tag/loader'
        test: /\.js$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        use: ['imports-loader?graphql', 'babel-loader']
  output: {
    libraryTarget: 'commonjs2',
    path: path.join(__dirname, '.webpack'),
    filename: '[name].js',
    sourceMapFilename: '[file].map'
  plugins: [new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'global.GENTLY': false })]

Relevant package.json:相关 package.json:

"babel-runtime": "^6.26.0",
"core-js": "^3.6.4",
"@babel/core": "^7.9.0",
"@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread": "^7.4.4",
"@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs": "^7.9.0",
"@babel/plugin-transform-regenerator": "^7.8.7",
"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime": "^7.9.0",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.9.0",
"babel-jest": "24.9.0",
"babel-loader": "8.1.0",
"babel-plugin-source-map-support": "^2.0.1",
"jest": "24.9.0",
"webpack": "4.19.1",
"webpack-node-externals": "^1.7.2"

that form of .babelrc config file is deprecated, instead of that use the one babeljs recommends babel.config.js , with this "form" if u wanna call it like that, there is one cool feature.这种形式的.babelrc配置文件已被弃用,而不是使用 babeljs 推荐的babel.config.js ,如果你想这样称呼它,使用这种“形式”,有一个很酷的功能。 you get a param that has quite a few tricks you can use.你会得到一个参数,它有很多你可以使用的技巧。

... BTW you are missing @babel/cli, @babel/runtime @babel/core, babel-core@7.0.0-bridge.0 ... 顺便说一句,你错过了@babel/cli、@babel/runtime @babel/core、babel-core@7.0.0-bridge.0

    "use strict";

    module.exports = function (api) {
      const {NODE_ENV} = process.env;


      if (NODE_ENV === "development") {

      return {
    plugins: [],
    presets: []

It turns out the gist is this:事实证明,要点是这样的:

I had initially added these plugins because jest complained about seeing an import .我最初添加了这些插件,因为 jest 抱怨看到一个import


But then I realized that this now broke my normal webpack build.但后来我意识到这现在破坏了我正常的 webpack 构建。

The two issues related to this seem to be:与此相关的两个问题似乎是:

webpack 2 offers native support for ES modules. webpack 2 为 ES 模块提供原生支持。 However, Jest runs in Node, * and thus requires ES modules to be transpiled to CommonJS modules.但是,Jest 运行在 Node, * 中,因此需要将 ES 模块转换为 CommonJS 模块。

The following .babelrc.js resolves this issue for me:以下.babelrc.js为我解决了这个问题:

 * webpack 2 offers native support for ES modules. However, Jest runs in Node,
 * and thus requires ES modules to be transpiled to CommonJS modules.
 * Reads:
 * https://jestjs.io/docs/en/webpack
 * https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/6229
const configByEnv = isTest => {
  // https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-preset-env#targets
  // "Sidenote, if no targets are specified, @babel/preset-env will transform
  // all ECMAScript 2015+ code by default."
  const targets = isTest ? {} : { node: 'current' }

  const addPlugins = isTest
    ? [
    : []

  return {
    comments: false,
    presets: [['@babel/preset-env', { targets }]],
    plugins: [

module.exports = api => {
  const isTest = api.env('test')

  return configByEnv(isTest)

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