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Cube.js 后端的错误继续等待问题

[英]Error Continue wait issue on Cube.js backend

I'm having some trouble connecting to the cube.js backend on AWS serverless and executing the /cubejs-api/v1/load request in the frontend dashboard.我在连接到 AWS serverless 上的 cube.js 后端并在前端仪表板中执行 /cubejs-api/v1/load 请求时遇到了一些问题。 I keep getting {"error":"Continue wait"} instead of a result returned.我不断收到{"error":"Continue wait"}而不是返回的结果。 I am following the react-dashboard guide for authentication but deployed using the backend cube.js serverless AWS template.我正在遵循 react-dashboard 指南进行身份验证,但使用后端 cube.js 无服务器 AWS 模板进行部署。 This is what my main cube.js file looks like.:这是我的主要 cube.js 文件的样子。:

const AWSHandlers = require('@cubejs-backend/serverless-aws');
const PostgresDriver = require('@cubejs-backend/postgres-driver');
const fs = require("fs");
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
const jwkToPem = require("jwk-to-pem");
const jwks = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("jwks.json"));
const _ = require("lodash");

module.exports = new AWSHandlers({
  checkAuth: async (req, auth) => {
    const decoded = jwt.decode(auth, { complete: true });
    const jwk = _.find(jwks.keys, x => x.kid === decoded.header.kid);
    const pem = jwkToPem(jwk);
    req.authInfo = jwt.verify(auth, pem);
  externalDbType: 'postgres',
  externalDriverFactory: () => new PostgresDriver({
    host: process.env.CUBEJS_EXT_DB_HOST,
    database: process.env.CUBEJS_EXT_DB_NAME,
    port: process.env.CUBEJS_EXT_DB_PORT,
    user: process.env.CUBEJS_EXT_DB_USER,
    password: process.env.CUBEJS_EXT_DB_PASS,

I didn't have the redis URL set correctly initially and fixed the connection to redis after adding redis:// extension before the url to the serverless.yml file to fix that so I know it's not redis connection issue.我最初没有正确设置 redis URL,并在将 redis:// 扩展名添加到 serverless.yml 文件之前修复了与 redis 的连接以解决该问题,因此我知道这不是 redis 连接问题。 I'm assuming there's some other problem.我假设还有一些其他问题。

The cubejs process function has no logs at all. cubejs 进程函数根本没有日志。 I have setup a NAT gateway and subnets according to the guide on the deployment site so that i have 1 subnet for each zone just for the lambda and they have been added to the new NAT gateway that was created and to the 2 functions so they have internet access.我已经根据部署站点上的指南设置了 NAT 网关和子网,以便每个区域都有 1 个子网,仅用于 lambda,并且它们已添加到创建的新 NAT 网关和 2 个函数中,因此它们具有互联网。

What could be the issue?可能是什么问题? Did I configure something wrong or do I need to make changes to something?我是否配置错误或需要更改某些内容?

@cubejs-backend/serverless uses internet connection to access messaging API as well as Redis inside VPC for managing queue and cache. @cubejs-backend/serverless使用互联网连接来访问消息传递 API 以及 VPC 内的 Redis 来管理队列和缓存。

Such continuous Continue wait messages usually mean that there's a problem with internet connection or with Redis connection .这种连续的Continue wait消息通常意味着Internet 连接Redis 连接存在问题。 If it's Redis you'll usually see timeouts after 5 minutes or so in both cubejs and cubejsProcess functions.如果是Redis,您通常会在cubejscubejsProcess函数中看到5 分钟左右的超时。 If it's internet connection you will never see any logs of query processing in cubejsProcess function.如果是互联网连接,您将永远不会在cubejsProcess函数中看到任何查询处理日志。

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