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Agora 群组视频通话中的画中画模式

[英]PIP mode in Agora group video call

I have implemented agora group video chat functionality in iOS and now i want to implement PIP mode in agora group video chat, so please him me regarding this我已经在 iOS 中实现了 agora 群视频聊天功能,现在我想在 agora 群视频聊天中实现 PIP 模式,所以请他我对此

Thank you everyone谢谢大家

To leverage Picture in Picture on iOS with Agora.io, you need to use a custom video source or a custom video render, depending on which video stream you wish to view.要通过 Agora.io 在 iOS 上使用画中画,您需要使用自定义视频源或自定义视频渲染,具体取决于您希望查看的视频流。

Since there is not enough information to provide any code, perhaps this tutorial and GitHub samples will help point you in the right direction.由于没有足够的信息来提供任何代码,也许本教程和 GitHub 示例将帮助您指明正确的方向。

using PIP with a custom video player: https://medium.com/@halilozel1903/how-to-use-picture-in-picture-pip-in-swift-585a59f6cc8c使用带有自定义视频播放器的 PIP: https : //medium.com/@halilozel1903/how-to-use-picture-in-picture-pip-in-swift-585a59f6cc8c

Agora Advanced Video Sample apps: https://github.com/AgoraIO/Advanced-Video/tree/master/iOS%26macOS Agora 高级视频示例应用: https : //github.com/AgoraIO/Advanced-Video/tree/master/iOS%26macOS

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