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我可以在 Angular 中使用(EJS 或 Pug)吗? 或者 Angular 已经带有默认的模板引擎?

[英]Can I use (EJS or Pug) with Angular? or Angular already comes with a default templating engine?

Does Angular already come with a templating engine? Angular 是否已经带有模板引擎?

If I wish to work with MEAN stack then is it valid to use EJS or Pug as a templating engine?如果我希望使用 MEAN 堆栈,那么使用 EJS 或 Pug 作为模板引擎是否有效? If yes then how can I implement it?如果是,那么我该如何实施?

In Angular you can use Interpolation which refers to embedded expression in the markup text.在 Angular 中,您可以使用Interpolation ,它指的是标记文本中的嵌入表达式。 To use interpolation you need to use double-curly braces like {{}} for example:要使用interpolation您需要使用像{{}}这样的双花括号,例如:

<h1>CustomerName: {{ name }} </h1> 

you can also use Template Expression which produce a value and also appears in double-curly-braces.您还可以使用Template Expression ,它产生一个值,也出现在双花括号中。

But besides this you can use Nodejs, Expressjs's template-engine like ejs , pug and handlebars will help you to create dynamic content.但是,除了这个,你可以使用的NodeJS,Expressjs的template-engine一样ejspughandlebars将帮助您创建动态内容。 You can choose any one of them.您可以选择其中任何一种。 For example, in order to use ejs you need to install it first.例如,为了使用ejs您需要先安装它。 You can write below command in your terminal您可以在终端中编写以下命令

npm i ejs

and import it in your root file并将其导入到您的根文件中

const ejs = require ('ejs');

and then you need to setup view engine like然后你需要像这样设置视图引擎

app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

Then you need to save all your views file in .ejs extension然后您需要将所有views文件保存在.ejs扩展名中

const express = require('express');
const ejs = require('ejs');

const app = express();

app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

app.get('/', (req, res) => {  
  res.render('index', { name: 'Hello' });

 app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server is running'));

Now You can access value of the name in your ejs file dynamically like现在您可以像这样动态访问ejs文件中名称的值

<%=name %> 

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