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为 Delphi 7 连接到 PostgreSQL 的 Zeos Lib 的安装 - 无法构建示例项目

[英]Install of Zeos Lib for Delphi 7 connectivity to PostgreSQL - can't build Example projects

I saw this post about Delphi databases.我看到了这篇关于 Delphi 数据库的帖子 I'm in a similar situation to the OP with years of occasional use of Delphi, but never using the database features.我的情况与 OP 类似,多年来偶尔使用 Delphi,但从未使用过数据库功能。 I have both Delphi 7 and Delphi 2010, but for this purpose, I'm using Delphi 7 to add database to an existing project.我有 Delphi 7 和 Delphi 2010,但为此目的,我使用 Delphi 7 将数据库添加到现有项目。

I'm trying to use Zeos Lib for connection to PostgreSQL.我正在尝试使用Zeos Lib连接到 PostgreSQL。 I followed this procedure on the Zeos BB在 Zeos BB 上遵循了这个程序

That process worked without error, and now the Zeos components are installed and visible in the components palette.该过程顺利进行,现在 Zeos 组件已安装并在组件面板中可见。

When trying to build the Zeos Examples projects in Delphi, I get the following results:尝试在 Delphi 中构建 Zeos 示例项目时,我得到以下结果:

  • ZBlobs - cannot build - Error "Field frmMain.cbxOidAsBlob does not have a corresponding component. Remove the declaration?" ZBlobs - 无法构建 - 错误“字段 frmMain.cbxOidAsBlob 没有相应的组件。删除声明?”

  • ZControlsExample - cannot build - error: "Field frmMain.ZQueryZ does not have a corresponding component. Remove the declaration?" ZControlsExample - 无法构建 - 错误:“字段 frmMain.ZQueryZ 没有相应的组件。删除声明?”

  • DbcDemo - cannot build - error: "[Error] DbcDemoMain.pas(75): Undeclared identifier: 'TStringDynArray'" DbcDemo - 无法构建 - 错误:“[错误] DbcDemoMain.pas(75):未声明的标识符:'TStringDynArray'”

  • ZDesignTime - cannot open project - Error: "Error reading Form: Error reading qrMain.RequestLive: Property RequestLive does not exist. Ignore the error and continue? NOTE: Ignoring the error may cause components to be deleted or property values to be lost." ZDesignTime - 无法打开项目 - 错误:“错误读取表单:错误读取 qrMain.RequestLive:属性 RequestLive 不存在。忽略错误并继续?注意:忽略错误可能会导致组件被删除或属性值丢失。”

  • Embedded - compiles, but exception on run: "Project Embedded.exe raised exception class Exception with message None of the dynamic libraries can be found or is not loadable: Iibmysqld4l .dll, Iibmysqld.dlI Use TZConnection.LibraryLocation if the location is invalid.. Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue."嵌入式 - 编译,但运行时出现异常:“项目 Embedded.exe 引发异常类异常并带有消息 找不到任何动态库或不可加载:Iibmysqld4l .dll、Iibmysqld.dlI 如果位置无效,请使用 TZConnection.LibraryLocation。 . 进程已停止。使用 Step 或 Run 继续。”

  • ZSimple - cannot build - error: "Field frmMain.ZQueryZ does not have a corresponding component. Remove the declaration?" ZSimple - 无法构建 - 错误:“字段 frmMain.ZQueryZ 没有相应的组件。删除声明?”

It appears that the installation is incomplete, but I'm not sure what's missing.安装似乎不完整,但我不确定缺少什么。 I tried to post questions to the Zeos BBS, but it appears to be in hibernation - posts have been queued for moderator.我试图向 Zeos BBS 发布问题,但它似乎处于休眠状态 - 帖子已排队等待版主。

You didn't install the design time packages, and probably have search path issue.您没有安装设计时包,并且可能存在搜索路径问题。

Please check how you setup the Zeos library and components.请检查您如何设置 Zeos 库和组件。

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