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VC++ 中的内联汇编代码 :: 对 WaitForSingleObject 的系统调用需要帮助

[英]Inline Assembly code in VC++ :: help needed on syscall to WaitForSingleObject

I have coded in VS2019 using VC++ and compiled using the Intel C++ compiler, a 64 bit command line music file player to play WAV files using WASAPI.我已经使用 VC++ 在 VS2019 中编码并使用 Intel C++ 编译器编译,这是一个 64 位命令行音乐文件播放器,可以使用 WASAPI 播放 WAV 文件。 The OS is Win 7-SP1.操作系统是 Win 7-SP1。

This is the part of code on which I have questions and need help on.这是我有问题并需要帮助的代码部分。 Declaration of variables are left out for conciseness.为简洁起见,省略了变量的声明。

// activate an IAudioClient
IAudioClient* pAudioClient;


// create an event
HANDLE hNeedDataEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);

// set the event handle
hr = pAudioClient->SetEventHandle(hNeedDataEvent);


//works fine
    WaitForSingleObject(hNeedDataEvent, INFINITE);

    hr = pAudioRenderClient->ReleaseBuffer(nFramesInBuffer, 0);
    hr = pAudioRenderClient->GetBuffer(nFramesInBuffer, &pData);

    memcpy(pData, sound_buffer + nBytesToSkip, nBytesThisPass);

    nBytesToSkip += nBytesThisPass;
} while (--nBuffersPlayed);

I want to replace the line of code: WaitForSingleObject(hNeedDataEvent, INFINITE);我想替换这行代码: WaitForSingleObject(hNeedDataEvent, INFINITE); with inline Assembly code using a syscall.使用系统调用的内联汇编代码。 Portability is unimportant since this is just for experimentation/learning because have no knowledge of Assembler.可移植性并不重要,因为这仅用于实验/学习,因为不了解汇编程序。

I found a syscall table for Win7-SP1 on Github and here's what it says for NtWaitForSingleObject:在 Github 上找到了 Win7-SP1 的系统调用表,下面是它对 NtWaitForSingleObject 的说明:

; ULONG64 __stdcall NtWaitForSingleObject( ULONG64 arg_01 , ULONG64 arg_02 , ULONG64 arg_03 );
NtWaitForSingleObject PROC STDCALL 

    mov r10 , rcx
    mov eax , 1

    db 0Fh , 05h

NtWaitForSingleObject ENDP

I think the inline Assembly code to replace the call to WaitForSingleObject should be:我认为替换对 WaitForSingleObject 调用的内联汇编代码应该是:

    mov r10, ?????? ; pHandle
    xor edx, edx    ; FALSE: The alert cannot be delivered
    xor r8d, r8d    ; Time-out interval, in microseconds. NULL means infinite
    mov eax, 1      ; code number for WaitForSingleObject

My questions are:我的问题是:

  1. What exactly do I need to move to r10 so that it will contain the "handle" of the event?我究竟需要移动到 r10 以便它包含事件的“句柄”?
  2. Is the rest of the inline Assembly code correct?内联汇编代码的其余部分是否正确?

As an aside, when I disassembled my compiled code I see this:顺便说一句,当我反汇编编译后的代码时,我看到了:

    mov     rcx, [rbp+220h+hHandle] ; hHandle
    mov     edx, 0FFFFFFFFh ; dwMilliseconds
    call    cs:WaitForSingleObject
   mov r10, hNeedDataEvent ; pHandle
   xor edx, edx ; FALSE: The alert cannot be delivered
   xor r8d, r8d ; Time-out interval, in microseconds. NULL means infinite
   mov eax, 1 ; code number for WaitForSingleObject syscall

I just assigned the value of hNeedDataEvent to r10 and it worked.我只是将 hNeedDataEvent 的值分配给 r10 并且它起作用了。

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