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无法在 Linux 上使用命令行工具运行 android 模拟器(PANIC:损坏的 AVD 系统路径。)

[英]Cannot run android emulator using Command line tools on Linux (PANIC: Broken AVD system path.)

I'm trying to set up Jenkins slave machine for UI tests of an android project.我正在尝试为 android 项目的 UI 测试设置 Jenkins 从机。 I've run out of ideas how to proceed when I encountered this issue trying to run android emulator:当我在尝试运行 android 模拟器时遇到这个问题时,我已经想不出如何继续了:

[myuser@jenkins-slave-002 emulator]$ export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="/var/lib/android"
[myuser@jenkins-slave-002 emulator]$ ./emulator -avd pixel-2-api28 -no-window -verbose -show-kernel
emulator: Android emulator version (build_id 6306047) (CL:N/A)
emulator: Found AVD name 'pixel-2-api28'
emulator: Found AVD target architecture: x86
emulator: argv[0]: './emulator'; program directory: '/var/lib/android/emulator'
emulator:  Not a directory: /var/lib/android/android/system-images/android-28/google_apis/x86/

PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value [/var/lib/android]!

What am I missing?我错过了什么?

Duplicated android folder in /var/lib/android/android/system-images/(...) doesn't look right, but I have no idea where this comes from. /var/lib/android/android/system-images/(...)中重复的android文件夹看起来不正确,但我不知道这是从哪里来的。 I think it should be /var/lib/android/system-images/(...) .我认为它应该是/var/lib/android/system-images/(...)


Earlier I've done complete setup of android sdk this way早些时候我用这种方式完成了 android sdk 的完整设置

/lib/var/android/ unzip commandlinetools-linux-6200805_latest.zip (taken from https://developer.android.com/studio#command-tools)

I've installed packages using sdkmanager --sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME} "<package>"我已经使用sdkmanager --sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME} "<package>"安装了包

current sdkmanager listing:当前 sdkmanager 列表:

[myuser@jenkins-slave-002 bin]$ sdkmanager --sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME} --list

Installed packages:=====================] 100% Computing updates...             
  Path                                     | Version | Description                             | Location                                 
  -------                                  | ------- | -------                                 | -------                                  
  emulator                                 | 30.0.5  | Android Emulator                        | emulator/                                
  patcher;v4                               | 1       | SDK Patch Applier v4                    | patcher/v4/                              
  platform-tools                           | 29.0.6  | Android SDK Platform-Tools              | platform-tools/                          
  platforms;android-28                     | 6       | Android SDK Platform 28                 | platforms/android-28/                    
  system-images;android-28;google_apis;x86 | 10      | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image | system-images/android-28/google_apis/x86/
  tools                                    | 1.0.0   | Android SDK Tools 1                     | tools/                                   

I created avd this way:我这样创建了 avd:

[myuser@jenkins-slave-002 bin]$ avdmanager create avd -n pixel-2-api28 --device "pixel_2" -k "system-images;android-28;google_apis;x86"

Warning: Observed package id 'emulator' in inconsistent location '/var/lib/android/emulator' (Expected '/var/lib/emulator')
Warning: Observed package id 'patcher;v4' in inconsistent location '/var/lib/android/patcher/v4' (Expected '/var/lib/patcher/v4')
Warning: Observed package id 'platform-tools' in inconsistent location '/var/lib/android/platform-tools' (Expected '/var/lib/platform-tools')
Warning: Observed package id 'platforms;android-28' in inconsistent location '/var/lib/android/platforms/android-28' (Expected '/var/lib/platforms/android-28')
Warning: Observed package id 'system-images;android-28;google_apis;x86' in inconsistent location '/var/lib/android/system-images/android-28/google_apis/x86' (Expected '/var/lib/system-images/android-28/google_apis/x86')
Warning: Observed package id 'tools' in inconsistent location '/var/lib/android/tools' (Expected '/var/lib/tools')
Auto-selecting single ABI x86===========] 100% Fetch remote repository...       
Parsing /var/lib/android/emulator/package.xmlParsing /var/lib/android/patcher/v4/package.xmlParsing /var/lib/android/platform-tools/package.xmlParsing /var/lib/android/platforms/android-28/package.xmlParsing /var/lib/android/system-images/android-28/google_apis/x86/package.xmlParsing /var/lib/android/tools/package.xml

My.bashrc contains this: My.bashrc 包含这个:

export PATH="/var/lib/android/tools:$PATH"
export PATH="/var/lib/android/tools/bin:$PATH"
export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=/var/lib/android
export ANDROID_HOME=/var/lib/android

these SDK paths exists:这些 SDK 路径存在:


The environment is CentOS 7 linux distribution running on a vmware环境是 CentOS 7 linux 分布运行在一个vmware上

I was able to run the emulator with fixing the image.sysdir.1 entry in /.android/avd/<avd_name>.avd/config.ini file.我能够通过修复/.android/avd/<avd_name>.avd/config.ini文件中的image.sysdir.1条目来运行模拟器。

I found this tip in in this question: PANIC: Broken AVD system path.我在这个问题中找到了这个提示: PANIC: Broken AVD system path。 Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value 检查您的 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT 值

Go to <user_home>/.android/avd/<avd_name> and open config.ini. Find the image.sysdir.1 property. It points at the directory, inside the SDK directory, that contains the actual system image. Make sure that this directory exists and contains files like build.prop, system.img, etc. If it doesn't, then you have to open the SDK Manager and download system images your AVD requires (see below).

For others interested in this:对于其他对此感兴趣的人:

Whilst you can fix the symptom by editing the config.ini in the avd as suggested, I found that, in my case at least, the initial cause was the directory structure of the android sdk.虽然您可以按照建议通过编辑 avd 中的 config.ini 来修复该症状,但我发现,至少在我的情况下,最初的原因是 android sdk 的目录结构。 It seems that the sdk wants a VERY precise structure in recent versions, specifically:似乎 sdk 在最近的版本中想要一个非常精确的结构,特别是:

<sdk_root> - cmdline-tools - tools - bin
                                   - lib

I'm not sure if the names are important, but it seems that having TWO levels between <sdk_root> and your command line tools "bin" directory is.我不确定名称是否重要,但似乎 <sdk_root> 和命令行工具“bin”目录之间有两个级别。 I suspect avdmanager is going up a fixed number of directories from the "bin" to look for SDK directories.我怀疑 avdmanager 正在从“bin”中查找固定数量的目录以查找 SDK 目录。 So in your case, put your tools directory under an additional subdirectory, update your PATH variable to point to the new location and try again.因此,在您的情况下,将您的工具目录放在另一个子目录下,更新您的 PATH 变量以指向新位置,然后重试。

Both above answers are look like workarounds.以上两个答案看起来都像是解决方法。 Actually you have to install cmdline-tools;latest package and execute the avdmanager from there.实际上,您必须安装cmdline-tools;latest package 并从那里执行avdmanager

# sdkmanager --sdk_root=/opt/android-sdk --install "cmdline-tools;latest"
# export PATH=$PATH:/opt/android-sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin

The advmanager should be run from here without any errors now现在应该可以从这里运行advmanager而不会出现任何错误

# which avdmanager

Here the folders you have to see afterwards这是您之后必须看到的文件夹

├── bin
├── latest
│   ├── bin
│   └── lib
└── lib


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相关问题 Android Studio 模拟器运行: PANIC:损坏的 AVD 系统路径。 检查您的 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT 值 - Android Studio emulator run: PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value 模拟器:PANIC:损坏的 AVD 系统路径。 检查您的 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT 值 [F:\android]? - Emulator: PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value [F:\android]? 如何解决“模拟器:恐慌:找不到 AVD 系统路径。 请定义 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT&#39; - How to resolve 'Emulator: PANIC: Cannot find AVD system path. Please define ANDROID_SDK_ROOT' 模拟器:PANIC:损坏的 AVD 系统路径。 检查您的 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT 值 [C:\\Users\\Public\\Android\\Sdk] - Emulator: PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value [C:\Users\Public\Android\Sdk] 模拟器:PANIC:损坏的 AVD 系统路径。 检查您的 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT 值 [C:\android-sdk] - Emulator: PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value [C:\android-sdk] PANIC:损坏的 AVD 系统路径。 检查您的 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT - PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT PANIC:损坏的 AVD 系统路径。 检查您的 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT 值 - PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value 模拟器:Android 模拟器版本 (build_id 7033400) (CL:N/A) 恐慌:找不到 AVD 系统路径。 请定义 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT - emulator: Android emulator version (build_id 7033400) (CL:N/A) PANIC: Cannot find AVD system path. Please define ANDROID_SDK_ROOT 紧急:找不到AVD系统路径。 请定义ANDROID_SDK_ROOT - PANIC: Cannot find AVD system path. Please define ANDROID_SDK_ROOT PANIC:找不到 AVD 系统路径。 请定义 ANDROID_SDK_ROOT(在 Windows 10 中) - PANIC: Cannot find AVD system path. Please define ANDROID_SDK_ROOT (in windows 10)
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