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在 textarea 输入上的 Jest 测试写入

[英]Jest test write on textarea input

I am trying to write some mock string to a textarea using Jest and then press Enter but it does not work for whatever reason.我正在尝试使用 Jest 将一些模拟字符串写入文本区域,然后按 Enter,但无论出于何种原因它都不起作用。 My code so far:到目前为止我的代码:

test('Should add a message', () => {
  const element = wrapper.find('textarea');
  element.instance().value = 'abc';
  element.simulate('keypress', { key: 'Enter' });

  const newWrapper = wrapper.find('user');

My component:我的组件:

  placeholder='Type your message here and press enter to send...'

Just to be clear the textarea is definitely there as the following test passes:只是为了清楚 textarea 在以下测试通过时肯定存在:

test('Should have a textarea', () => {
  const element = wrapper.find('textarea');

In your case, what you are looking for is 'keyUp' , not 'keypress' .在您的情况下,您正在寻找的是'keyUp' ,而不是'keypress' And instead of key , use keyCode .而不是key ,使用keyCode The keyCode for Enter is 13 . EnterkeyCode13

Like this:像这样:

element.simulate('keyUp', { keyCode: 13 });

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