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大小为 n 的所有可能的 k 个列表组合

[英]All Possible k combinations of list with size n

I am trying to get all possible combinations of size K from a list of size N.我正在尝试从大小 N 的列表中获取大小 K 的所有可能组合。

I have a List that takes "Human" objects and I am trying to create a new ArrayList which will be filled with List objects.我有一个包含“人类”对象的列表,我正在尝试创建一个新的 ArrayList,它将用列表对象填充。 Each of the Lists will be a different combination of "Human" objects.每个列表都是“人类”对象的不同组合。

A simple example with numbers would be: From a list consisting 1,2,3 I want to get an ArrayList which looks like this: [[1,2], [1,3], [2,3]] I also wouldn't mind if it looks like this: [[1], [2], [3], [1,2], [1,3], [2,3]]一个简单的数字示例是:从包含 1,2,3 的列表中,我想获得一个 ArrayList,如下所示: [[1,2], [1,3], [2,3]]不介意它看起来像这样: [[1], [2], [3], [1,2], [1,3], [2,3]]

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

public void combination(List<Human> people, int k, ArrayList<List> result) {
    if (people.size() < k) {
    if (k == 1) {
        for (Human hum : people) {
            List<Human> combinations = new ArrayList<Human>();
    else if (people.size() == k) {
        List<Human> combinations = new ArrayList<Human>();
        for (Human hum : people) {
    else if (people.size() > k) {
        for (int i = 0; i < people.size(); i++) {
            List<Human> combinations = new ArrayList<Human>();
            combination(people.subList(i + 1, people.size()), k - 1, result);

I am using the last method in this site as a reference: https://hmkcode.com/calculate-find-all-possible-combinations-of-an-array-using-java/我使用本站最后一种方法作为参考: https://hmkcode.com/calculate-find-all-possible-combinations-of-an-array-using-java/

At the moment I get the correct number of results in my new ArrayList but each List inside only consist of a single Human.目前我在我的新 ArrayList 中得到了正确数量的结果,但里面的每个列表只包含一个人类。

I highly suspect the problem lies in the last else if because I have hard time understanding the recursion.我高度怀疑问题出在最后一个else if因为我很难理解递归。

Please feel free to ask any questions or suggest any other implementation for this.请随时提出任何问题或为此建议任何其他实现。

The problem is in your loop, you are calling combination function only on continuous sublists (for instance if the initial set is [1,2,3,4,5], you are not calling the function on sublist of [1,3,5]).问题出在您的循环中,您仅在连续子列表上调用combination function(例如,如果初始集为 [1,2,3,4,5],则您没有在 [1,3, 5])。

Also, keep in mind you should override the equals function in your Human class.另外,请记住,您应该覆盖Human class 中的equals function。

    private void subsetsOf(List<Human> humans, int k, int index, Set<Human> tempSet, List<Set<Human>> finalSet) {
    if (tempSet.size() == k) {
        finalSet.add(new HashSet<>(tempSet));

    if (index == humans.size())

    Human human = humans.get(index);

    subsetsOf(humans, k, index+1, tempSet, finalSet);

    subsetsOf(humans, k, index+1, tempSet, finalSet);

public List<Set<Human>> combination(List<Human> humans, int k) {
    List<Set<Human>> result = new ArrayList<>();
    subsetsOf(humans, k, 0, new HashSet<Human>(), result);
    return result;

Here's another implementation that never removes anything nor creates spurious lists of anything.这是另一个实现,它永远不会删除任何东西,也不会创建任何东西的虚假列表。 It only ever adds when it needs to, no equals necessary for T , as long as they are unique by themselves.它只在需要时添加,对于T不需要equals ,只要它们本身是唯一的。

Just for the learning experience, right out of the top of my head:只是为了学习经验,就在我的脑海中:

package com.stackexchange.so;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class RecursiveCombinationCreator {
     * Creates combinations of elements of a specific combination size.
     * @param <T>             the type of the elements
     * @param elts            a list of elements, which should be unique
     * @param combinationSize the size of the combinations
     * @return a list of combinations
    public static <T> List<List<T>> createCombinations(List<T> elts, int combinationSize) {
        var fullCombinations = new ArrayList<List<T>>();
        createCombinations(elts, fullCombinations, new ArrayList<T>(), 0, combinationSize);
        return fullCombinations;

     * Recursive function that grows the combination size, and adds full combinations when the combination size is met.
     * To avoid duplicates, only elements that are higher in the list are added to the combination. The combination is
     * complete when <code>missing == 0</code>.
     * @param <T>              the type of the elements
     * @param elts             the elements to create combinations from, all elements should be unique
     * @param fullCombinations the final result array of the combinations, shared among all recursive calls
     * @param combination      the current combination that needs to get <code>missing<code> members
     * @param index            the index of the element one higher than the last element in the combination
     * @param missing          the amount of elements needed to complete the combination
    private static <T> void createCombinations(List<T> elts, List<List<T>> fullCombinations, List<T> combination,
            int index, int missing) {
        if (missing == 0) {

        // we don't need to go over elts.size() - missing because then the combination cannot be completed, too few left
        for (int i = index; i <= elts.size() - missing; i++) {
            List<T> newCombination;
            if (i == elts.size() - missing) {
                // optimization: avoid dereferencing the final combination, reuse
                newCombination = combination;
            } else {
                newCombination = new ArrayList<T>(combination);
            createCombinations(elts, fullCombinations, newCombination, i + 1, missing - 1);

    // === TEST CODE ===

    // we needed humans, OK
    private static class Human {
        private int id;

        public Human(int id) {
            this.id = id;

        public String toString() {
            return Integer.toString(id);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // generate input
        var humans = new ArrayList<Human>();
        for (int id = 0; id < 200; id++) {
            var human = new Human(id);

        // just that one call
        var fullcombinations = createCombinations(humans, 199);

        // show output
        for (List<Human> combination : fullcombinations) {

Note too that the maximum depth is equal to k (or k + 1 ), which means that your stack is safe from too many recursive calls.还要注意,最大深度等于k (或k + 1 ),这意味着您的堆栈可以安全地避免过多的递归调用。

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