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Spring 引导千分尺,用于 ElasticSearch 与 APM Java 代理

[英]Spring Boot Micrometer for ElasticSearch vs APM Java Agent

I've a Spring Boot REST application.我有一个 Spring 启动 REST 应用程序。 I use many Spring libraries as: Spring Data REST, HATEOAS, Spring JPA, Hibernate, Redis, ElasticSearch... I use many Spring libraries as: Spring Data REST, HATEOAS, Spring JPA, Hibernate, Redis, ElasticSearch...

I want to track metrics of my application and I did a research to find the best tool to do it.我想跟踪我的应用程序的指标,我做了一项研究以找到最好的工具来做到这一点。 After have given a try to Micrometer+DataDog, becuase I already use ElasticSearch I did try APM Java Agent and I found quite impressive the amount of data I get in Kibana Dashboard.在尝试了 Micrometer+DataDog 之后,因为我已经使用了 ElasticSearch 我确实尝试了APM Java 代理,我发现我在 Kibana Dashboard 中获得的数据量令人印象深刻。 I can see my endpoints and investigate where the time was spent (Mysql queries and others stuff).我可以看到我的端点并调查时间花在哪里(Mysql 查询和其他东西)。

I didn't try yet Micrometer+ElasticSearch, but from the documentation it seems to collect less data out of the box.我还没有尝试过 Micrometer+ElasticSearch,但从文档来看,它似乎收集了更少的开箱即用数据。

I'd like to know your advice about and what you think is the best tool to collect metric for an application in production.我想知道您的建议以及您认为收集生产应用程序指标的最佳工具。

Custom metrics are on the roadmap for the APM agent, but we're still working on the exact schedule.自定义指标在 APM 代理的路线图上,但我们仍在制定确切的时间表。

In the meantime you could either use the JMX config options of the agent with custom JMX key properties.同时,您可以将代理的JMX 配置选项与自定义 JMX 键属性一起使用。 Or use the Elasticsearch output of Micrometer.或者使用千分尺的Elasticsearch output。 Maybe just change the Micrometer output as an interim solution and potentially switch to custom APM metrics once they are available?也许只是将 Micrometer output 更改为临时解决方案,并在可用后可能切换到自定义 APM 指标?

There's also the option to get metrics with Metricbeat from JMX / Jolokia , but that sounds like an even bigger change and not really a long-term upside.还可以选择使用JMX / Jolokia 的 Metricbeat获取指标,但这听起来像是一个更大的变化,并不是真正的长期优势。

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