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使用 Jackson 将 null 值反序列化为枚举

[英]Deserialization null value to enum with Jackson

I have problem with JSON deserialization and mapping it to enum.我对 JSON 反序列化并将其映射到枚举有问题。 I'm getting JSON from external API simillar to this two examples:我从外部 API 获得 JSON 类似于这两个示例:

 "someValue": null
 "someValue": "exists"

I would like to map null values to some default enum value.我想将 map null 值设置为一些默认枚举值。

Model object Model object

SomeEnum someValue;

and enum class和枚举 class

public enum SomeEnum {
    @JsonProperty("exists") EXISTS,

For exists, value model class contains correct enum, but if I get null from API, it is still null in the model. For exists, value model class contains correct enum, but if I get null from API, it is still null in the model.

I tried to create some method annotated by @JsonCreator , creating own enum deserializer, using @JsonEnumDefaultValue but none of these solutions work for me.我尝试创建一些由@JsonCreator注释的方法,创建自己的枚举反序列化器,使用@JsonEnumDefaultValue但这些解决方案都不适合我。 Do anyone knows, how can I deserialize nulls to some default enum?有谁知道,我怎样才能将空值反序列化为一些默认枚举?

(Honestly, I wrote this code here without testing it, maybe you need to modify it a bit) (老实说,我在这里写了这段代码没有测试它,也许你需要稍微修改一下)

You can try to do something like following ( Enum with a constructor and use @JsonCreator ):您可以尝试执行以下操作(带有构造函数的Enum并使用@JsonCreator ):

public enum SomeEnum {

    private String value;

    SomeEnum (String value) {
        this.value = value;

    public static SomeEnum fromValue(String value) {
        for (SomeEnum someEnum : SomeEnum.values()) {
            if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(someEnum.getValue(), value)) {
                return someEnum;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown value " + value);

    public String getValue () {
        return value;

If it doesn't work, keep the above enum and try to make a custom converter (without Jackson) as following如果它不起作用,请保留上面的枚举并尝试制作一个自定义转换器(没有 Jackson),如下所示

If using spring boot You should put this binder in your controller如果使用 spring 引导您应该将此活页夹放入 controller

public void initBinder(final WebDataBinder webdataBinder) {
    webdataBinder.registerCustomEditor(SomeEnum.class, new SomeEnumConverter());

The following is the custom converter to specify how you convert your input value to an enum value.以下是自定义转换器,用于指定如何将输入值转换为枚举值。

public class SomeEnumConverter extends PropertyEditorSupport {
    public void setAsText(final String text) {

Ok, so for now I solved this issue by creating custom enum deserializer.好的,所以现在我通过创建自定义枚举反序列化器解决了这个问题。

class SomeEnumDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<SomeEnum> {
    SomeEnumDeserializer() {

    public SomeEnum getNullValue(DeserializationContext ctxt) {
        return SomeEnum.NONE;

    public SomeEnum deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) {
        // implementation here

and registering it using @JsonDeserialize:并使用@JsonDeserialize 注册它:

@JsonDeserialize(using = SomeEnumDeserializer.class)
public enum SomeEnum {
// code

But still I'd prefer using something like @JsonProperty but for null, like @JsonNullProperty or something like this.但我仍然更喜欢使用@JsonProperty 之类的东西,但对于 null,例如@JsonNullProperty 或类似的东西。

Set the starting value of the field to the enum's value.将字段的起始值设置为枚举的值。

public class ExampleClass {
    @JsonProperty("someValue") public SomeEnum someValue = SomeEnum.NONE;
    public enum SomeEnum {
        @JsonProperty("exists") EXISTS,

However, this will mean if the value doesn't exist it will also be the same value as if null was specified.但是,这意味着如果该值不存在,它也将与指定null时的值相同。 So these two JSON strings will produce the same POJO:所以这两个 JSON 字符串将产生相同的 POJO:


Not sure if that behavior is desired by you.不确定您是否需要这种行为。

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