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Azure - 基于 YAML 的管道中的自定义条件

[英]Azure - custom condition in YAML based pipeline

I've an yaml based azure CI/CT pipeline.我有一个基于 yaml 的 azure CI/CT 管道。 I've a task defined as below:我的任务定义如下:

- task: PublishTestResults@2
  displayName: 'Publish PCOM Test Results'
  condition: always()
    testResultsFormat: NUnit
    testResultsFiles: '*.xml'
    searchFolder: '$(Common.TestResultsDirectory)/$(Build.SourceBranchName)/$(Build.BuildNumber)/test-results/PCOM'
    mergeTestResults: true
    testRunTitle: 'PCOM Tests'

It looks for all '*.xml' files under a particular s3 location.它查找特定 s3 位置下的所有“*.xml”文件。 But the xml files will be created only if the below task is successful:但是只有在以下任务成功时才会创建xml文件:

- bash: 'perl run_aws_cli.pl $(Build.BuildNumber) $(Build.SourceBranchName) $(s3Bucket) $(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
  workingDirectory: 'azure-pipeline/scripts'
  displayName: 'Run ECS Tasks'

So I want a custom condition to check if the later task is successful then only search xml files in the directory else don't search for it.所以我想要一个自定义条件来检查后面的任务是否成功,然后只搜索目录中的xml文件,否则不要搜索它。 Currently it's searching always and the earlier task( Publish PCOM Test Results ) is failing.目前它一直在搜索,早期的任务(发布 PCOM 测试结果)失败了。

just do condition: succeeded() on your second task.就在你的第二个任务上做condition: succeeded() this will only run if all the tasks before that run successfully.这只会在之前的所有任务成功运行时运行。 if you want a more sophisticated option, check this thread.如果您想要更复杂的选项,请查看线程。

Alternatively, you can probably get more information on the build status from the API.或者,您可以从 API 获取有关构建状态的更多信息。

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/build/builds/get?view=azure-devops-rest-5.1 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/build/builds/get?view=azure-devops-rest-5.1

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