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[英]How to run express and angular in parallel with nx?

I'm new to nx and I want to create node express application with angular application.我是 nx 的新手,我想使用 angular 应用程序创建节点快速应用程序。

So I ran those commands:所以我运行了这些命令:

 npx create-nx-workspace // empty, nx. myorg-repo
 cd myorg-repo
 npm install --save-dev @nrwl/angular
 npm install --save-dev @nrwl/express

 nx g @nrwl/express:app express-app
 nx g @nrwl/angular:app ng-app

Now when I run npm run start or npm run build it only run one project.现在,当我运行npm run startnpm run build时,它只运行一个项目。

My question is how to run start (serve) command in parallel with nx?我的问题是如何与 nx 并行运行start (serve)命令?

nx run-many --parallel --target=serve --projects=project1,project2,project3

More info on running commands in parallel with nx => https://nx.dev/previous/angular/cli/run-many有关与 nx 并行运行命令的更多信息 => https://nx.dev/previous/angular/cli/run-many

You can also open two separate terminals or as many as you want and can start one project from each.您还可以打开两个单独的终端或任意数量的终端,并且可以从每个终端启动一个项目。

terminal 1 nx serve ng-app terminal 2 nx serve express-app终端 1 nx serve ng-app终端 2 nx serve express-app

Boom your servers will get started on two ports and as the proxy is already configured by nx CLI while creating a new project you just have to call your API like /API/20percentDone Boom 您的服务器将在两个端口上启动,并且由于 nx CLI 已经配置了代理,因此在创建新项目时您只需调用 API 就像/API/20percentDone 20percentDone

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