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获取 ADUser AccountExpirationDate

[英]Get-ADUser AccountExpirationDate

I am having some difficulties with the output of the Account Expiration Date from some users in our AD.我在我们 AD 中的某些用户的帐户到期日期的 output 上遇到了一些困难。

This is the code I am using:这是我正在使用的代码:

Get-ADUser -Properties AccountExpirationDate

Problem is when I have a user in AD that has not set a expiration date it shows blank.问题是当我在 AD 中有一个用户没有设置到期日期时,它显示为空白。 I want that it shows 'Never Expires' because that is the case.我希望它显示“永不过期”,因为情况就是如此。 When I check a user with expiration date it will show me the exact expiry date.当我检查具有到期日期的用户时,它会向我显示确切的到期日期。

I also tried with if else statement, but no luck so far.我也尝试了 if else 语句,但到目前为止还没有运气。

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

Regards, Ralph问候, 拉尔夫

Test if the value is $null :测试该值是否为$null

$user = Get-ADUser $username -Properties AccountExpirationDate |Select SAMAccountName,@{Name='AccountExpiration'; Expression={if($null -eq $_.AccountExpirationDate){'Never Expires'}else{$_.AccountExpirationDate}}}

Another way could be to also ask for the LDAP accountExpires property, which is a numeric value.另一种方法可能是要求 LDAP accountExpires属性,它是一个数值。
If that user property equals to 0 or 9223372036854775807, then the account never expires.如果该用户属性等于 0 或 9223372036854775807,则该帐户永不过期。

Get-ADUser -Properties AccountExpirationDate, accountExpires | 
Select-Object Name, DistinguishedName, 
              @{Name = 'AccountExpirationDate'
                Expression = {
                    if ($_.accountExpires -gt 0 -and $_.accountExpires -ne 9223372036854775807) { $_.AccountExpirationDate }
                    else { 'Never Expires' }

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