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如何在 JQuery 的事件处理程序中使用外部 function

[英]How to use an external function in event handler in JQuery

I want to do something like this:我想做这样的事情:

                $(div).bind('click', myFunctionWithManyManyLinesOfCode(param) );


         function myFunctionWithManyManyLinesOfCode(args){
             //50 lines of Code

If I do this the function is executed when the code reaches the point and doesn't execute on clicks.如果我这样做,则 function 会在代码到达该点并且不会在点击时执行。

If I include the code from the function myFunctionWithManyManyLinesOfCode in the bind method it will be a mess of code.如果我在绑定方法中包含来自 function myFunctionWithManyManyLinesOfCode 的代码,那将是一团乱麻。

Also, I've tried this, but I cannot reference variables, they are undefined另外,我试过这个,但我不能引用变量,它们是未定义的

                $(div).bind('click',  function() {myFunctionWithManyManyLinesOfCode(param)} );

You can pass whatever data you want to in the following way.您可以通过以下方式传递您想要的任何数据。

This should do the trick for you.这应该为您解决问题。 If something is unclear please write a comment.如果有不清楚的地方,请写评论。

Edit: As stated in the comments you should use on and not bind.编辑:如评论中所述,您应该使用而不是绑定。

 function myFunction(e){ console.log(e.data.id); } $('#example').on('click',{id: "WHATEVER"}, myFunction);
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <button id="example">Test</button>

First of all, 50 lines of code are too much for one function and should be divided into smaller methods, but you can use this method:首先,50行代码对于一个function来说太多了,应该分成更小的方法,但是你可以使用这种方法:

var hello = () => {

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