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Python ctypes:c_char_p 没有返回正确的值

[英]Python ctypes: c_char_p not returning the correct value

I'm new to Ctypes and trying to make a wrapper to use some dll functions but i'm facing a problem first here is the code我是 Ctypes 的新手,并试图制作一个包装器来使用一些 dll 函数,但我首先遇到了一个问题,这里是代码

C function structure C function结构

long func(char *pID);

Python code Python代码

lib = WinDLL("some.dll")
lib.func.restype = c_long
lib.func.argtypes = [c_char_p]
ID = c_char()

this outputs 8 which is correct but only the first character这输出 8 这是正确的,但只有第一个字符
the problem is I need the complete output not just the first char.问题是我需要完整的 output 而不仅仅是第一个字符。 I replaced it with c_char_p it give this c_char_p(925904440) which is a pointer but when I print its value (ID.value) it print an empty string while c_char was giving the correct value why?我用 c_char_p 替换了它,它给出了这个 c_char_p(925904440) 这是一个指针,但是当我打印它的值(ID.value)时它打印一个空字符串,而 c_char 给出了正确的值,为什么?
also tried create_string_buffer(10) but gives an error也尝试了 create_string_buffer(10) 但给出了错误
expected LP_c_char_p instance instead of pointer to c_char_Array_10预期 LP_c_char_p 实例而不是指向 c_char_Array_10 的指针

Notice: I'm writing a J2534 wrapper since all the libraries that I had found have some kind of error tried python libs and C# libs if you know or have a working J2534 library then send me its link注意:我正在编写一个 J2534 包装器,因为我发现的所有库都尝试了 python 库和 C# 库,如果你知道或有一个工作的 J2534 库,那么给我它的链接

You could use create_string_buffer.您可以使用 create_string_buffer。 Documentation says:文档说:

ctypes.create_string_buffer(init_or_size, size=None) ctypes.create_string_buffer(init_or_size, size=None)

This function creates a mutable character buffer.这个 function 创建一个可变字符缓冲区。 The returned object is a ctypes array of c_char.返回的 object 是 c_char 的 ctypes 数组。

init_or_size must be an integer which specifies the size of the array, or a bytes object which will be used to initialize the array items. init_or_size 必须是指定数组大小的 integer,或者是用于初始化数组项的字节 object。

see https://docs.python.org/3/library/ctypes.html#ctypes.create_string_bufferhttps://docs.python.org/3/library/ctypes.html#ctypes.create_string_buffer

An example could look like this:一个示例可能如下所示:

from ctypes import *

lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("some.dll")
lib.func.restype = c_long
lib.func.argtype = c_char_p

buf = create_string_buffer(9)

A simple test function on the C-side could look like this: C 端的简单测试 function 可能如下所示:

#include <string.h>

static const char some_data[] = "8.07.696";

long func(char *p) {
    strcpy(p, some_data);
    return 1L;

This prints the expected result to the debug console:这会将预期结果打印到调试控制台:


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