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使用 rust serde 反序列化不同的数据结构

[英]Deserializing different data structures with rust serde

I am trying to deserialize JSON that is received from Web API and has some unnecessarily deep structure.我正在尝试反序列化从 Web API 收到的 JSON 并且具有一些不必要的深度结构。

With serde , is it possible to deserialize JSON like:使用serde ,是否可以像反序列化 JSON 一样:

    "unnecessarily": {
        "deep": {
            "structure": {
                "data1": 0
    "data2": 0

to rust struct:到 rust 结构:

struct Data {
   data1: usize,
   data2: usize,

without manually implementing Deserialize ?无需手动实现Deserialize

If it is impossible, are there any other suitable crates?如果不可能,还有其他合适的箱子吗?

You can use serde's derive macro to generate implementations of Serialize and Deserialize traits您可以使用serde 的derive来生成SerializeDeserialize序列化特征的实现

use serde::Deserialize;

struct Data {
   data1: usize,
   data2: usize,

If the JSON structure is not known ahead of time, you can deserialize to serde_json::Value and work with this如果事先不知道 JSON 结构,您可以反序列化为serde_json::Value并使用它

use serde_json::{Result, Value};
fn example() -> Result<()> {
    let data = r#"
          "unnecessarily": {
            "deep": {
              "structure": {
                "data1": 0
          "data2": 0

    let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(data)?;

    let data1 = v["unnecessarily"]["deep"]["structure"]["data1"].as_i64()?;


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