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使用 CMakeLists.txt 构建 C 库,同时打包 python 库

[英]Build C library with CMakeLists.txt while packaging python library

I use Cython to wrap C library and extend its functionality.我使用 Cython 包装 C 库并扩展其功能。 C library is developed by separate team and is provided with CMakeLists.txt. C 库由单独的团队开发,并随 CMakeLists.txt 提供。 For now I use source.c and.h files to build this library.现在我使用 source.c 和 .h 文件来构建这个库。 This is how my build.py file for poetry ( setup.py analog) looks like:这就是我的诗歌build.py文件( setup.py模拟)的样子:

# source_files_paths - list of full paths to .c files
c_library = ('c_library', {'sources': source_files_paths})
def build(setup_kwargs):
        'libraries': [c_library],  # Here c library is built with build_clib command

Is it possible to use CMakeLists.txt to build c_library in build function (or in setuptools.setup function)?是否可以在build function (或setuptools.setup函数)中使用CMakeLists.txt构建c_library

UPD: It is also ok for me to define variable that is used in.c files. UPD:我也可以定义在.c 文件中使用的变量。 I tried to add define_macros :我试图添加define_macros

c_library = ('c_library', {'sources': source_files_paths,
                           'define_macros': [('MY_MACRO': True)]})

Still no luck with it.仍然没有运气。

UPD2: I finally found the solution to my problem though it is not the answer to my initial question. UPD2:我终于找到了解决问题的方法,尽管这不是我最初问题的答案。 To add macros you should add it in this way:要添加宏,您应该以这种方式添加它:

c_library = ('c_library', {'sources': source_files_paths,
                           'macros': [('MY_MACRO': True)]})

According to build_libraries function from http://svn.python.org/projects/python/branches/pep-0384/Lib/distutils/command/build_clib.py you can also specify 'include_dirs', 'obj_deps' and 'cflags' arguments. According to build_libraries function from http://svn.python.org/projects/python/branches/pep-0384/Lib/distutils/command/build_clib.py you can also specify 'include_dirs', 'obj_deps' and 'cflags' arguments .

The scikit-build package can replace setuptools and it is able to use CMakeLists.txt. scikit-build package 可以替换 setuptools 并且可以使用 CMakeLists.txt。 (See Basic Usage guide for scikit-build ). (请参阅scikit-build 的基本使用指南)。 It can do CMake with Cython .它可以用 Cython 做 CMake

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