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Google Ads 转化跟踪仅针对来自 AMP HTML 的一些潜在客户触发

[英]Google Ads Conversion Tracking only firing on some Leads from AMP HTML

I've successfully set up Google Analytics & Google Ads Conversion tracking but we're having some inaccurate data being passed into Google Ads.我已成功设置 Google Analytics(分析)和 Google Ads 转化跟踪,但我们将一些不准确的数据传递到 Google Ads。

We have a Conversion Goal in Google Analytics for the Thank you page.我们在 Google Analytics 中为感谢页面设置了转化目标。 This is being tracked perfectly on every source users come from to submission.用户从提交到提交的每个源都可以完美地跟踪这一点。 This suggests there is nothing wrong with the form.这表明表格没有任何问题。

Google Ads is set up with manual tracking through UTM parameters. Google Ads 设置为通过 UTM 参数进行手动跟踪。 This is where the issues occur as we have two conversion goals on this.这就是问题发生的地方,因为我们对此有两个转换目标。

  1. Thank You Page Conversion感谢页面转换
  2. AMP Form Submit (Using the 'amp-form-submit-success' as the event so it only fires once) AMP 表单提交(使用“amp-form-submit-success”作为事件,因此它只触发一次)

These two conversion types are very inaccurate and always have fewer conversions than the realistic number within the CRM.这两种转化类型非常不准确,并且转化次数总是少于 CRM 中的实际数字。

Is there any reason why only a few of the conversions are being passed into Google Ads?为什么只有少数转化被传递到 Google Ads 有什么原因吗? One thing I have noticed is that the UTM parameters are being removed when users land on the landing page.我注意到的一件事是,当用户登陆登录页面时,UTM 参数被删除。 I can see this as the data is not being passed into the CRM on a lot of leads.我可以看到这一点,因为很多潜在客户的数据都没有传递到 CRM 中。

Out of 16 Leads From Google Ads/PPC:来自 Google Ads/PPC 的 16 条线索中:

  • 3 appeared with UTM_Term, UTM_Campaign, UTM_Source and UTM_Medium through to CRM (The rest blank parameters). 3 与 UTM_Term、UTM_Campaign、UTM_Source 和 UTM_Medium 一起出现到 CRM(rest 空白参数)。
  • 5 Showed a Thank you Page Conversion Goal. 5 显示感谢页面转换目标。
  • 3 Showed a Form Submitted Conversion Goal. 3 显示表单提交的转换目标。

Google Form Submission Conversion Tracking below as a reference, although this is working fine as some leads are coming through.下面的谷歌表单提交转换跟踪作为参考,虽然这工作正常,因为一些线索正在通过。 I've checked all the AMP Cache API URLs and they are caching the correct pages.我检查了所有 AMP Cache API URL,它们正在缓存正确的页面。

Is this something to do with the Google AMP cache.这与 Google AMP 缓存有关吗? Any guidance to documentation or solution to get more accurate conversion counts into Google Ads will be much appreciated.任何有关文档或解决方案的指导,以获取更准确的 Google Ads 转化计数,我们将不胜感激。

 <script async custom-element="amp-analytics" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-analytics-0.1.js"></script>
    <script async custom-element="amp-form" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-form-0.1.js"></script>
    <script async custom-template="amp-mustache" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-mustache-0.2.js"></script>

    <!-- Global site tag (gtag) - Google Ads: XXXXXXXX -->
        <amp-analytics type="gtag" data-credentials="include">
        <script type="application/json">
          "vars": {
            "gtag_id": "AW-XXXXXXXX",
            "config": {
              "AW-XXXXXXXX": {
                "groups": "default"
          "triggers": {
            "C_LZsYO74kXME": {
              "on": "amp-form-submit-success",
              "request": "event",
              "selector": "#bdf-amp-form",
              "vars": {
                "event_name": "conversion",
                "send_to": ["AW-XXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX"]

It was as simple as the non-amp version script not firing, nothing to do with AMP就像非amp版本脚本不触发一样简单,与AMP无关

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