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如何将串行输入存储在字符数组 arduino 中?

[英]How to store serial inputs in an char array arduino?

My aim was getting some parts of a char array between 2 specified characters.我的目标是在 2 个指定字符之间获取 char 数组的某些部分。 The code below perfectly works and returns 0037 as I expected.下面的代码完美运行,并按我的预期返回 0037。 However I wanted to make it useable with serial input not only char*s.但是我想让它不仅可用于 char*s 的串行输入。 In other words if I write "123123123,0037sjd#asdasdasd" to the serial.换句话说,如果我在连续剧中写“123123123,0037sjd#asdasdasd”。 the code should work in a same way again.代码应该再次以相同的方式工作。

How can I do that?我怎样才能做到这一点?

const char *s = "123123123!0037sjd#asdasdasd";
const char *CHAR1 = "!";
const char *CHAR2 = "#";
char *target = NULL;
char *start, *end;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  if (start = strstr(s, CHAR1)) {
    start += strlen(CHAR1);
    if (end = strstr(start, CHAR2)) {
      target = (char*) malloc(end - start + 1);
      memcpy(target, start, end - start);
      target[end - start] = '\0';
  if (target) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    target = "";
  target = "";

Assignment loses original allocation.分配丢失原始分配。

Code errantly free's something not allocated.代码错误地免费的东西没有分配。

// Bad
target="";        // loses prior allocation
free( target );   // Attempts to free something not allocated


free( target );
target = NULL;

For parsing a serial stream like that, maybe just use a flag.为了像这样解析串行 stream ,也许只使用一个标志。 Start off with the flag cleared.从清除标志开始。 When you see a !当你看到一个 set the flag.设置标志。 When digits come in while the flag is set, store them in the array.在设置标志的同时输入数字时,将它们存储在数组中。 When you see something that's not a digit, clear the flag.当你看到不是数字的东西时,清除标志。

You could even accumulate the digits in an integer on the fly (skipping the array), if that's what the end result will be.如果最终结果是这样的话,您甚至可以在 integer 中即时累积数字(跳过数组)。

Personally, I don't use malloc/free on the Arduino, and it's not really needed here.就个人而言,我不在 Arduino 上使用 malloc/free,这里也不需要。


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