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Apache Solr - Error loading class solr.NestPathField for solr version 6.5

[英]Apache Solr - Error loading class solr.NestPathField for solr version 6.5

Trying to have nested child documents inside managed schema in solr 6.5 as -尝试在 solr 6.5 中的托管架构中嵌套子文档 -

<fieldType name="_nest_path_" class="solr.NestPathField"/> 
<field name="_root_" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false" docValues="false" />      
<field name="_childDocuments_" type="_nest_path_">
<field name="id" type="string" multiValued="false" indexed="true" required="true" stored="true"/>
<field name="firstname" type="text_general"  indexed="true" stored="true"/>
<field name="lastname" type="text_general"  indexed="true" stored="true"/>

But seems _nest_path_ field is not supported in solr 6.5 and getting error Error loading class solr.NestPathField .但似乎_nest_path_字段并出现Error loading class solr.NestPathField

Any alternatives to store child documents without using nest_path or is there something wrong that I am doing here?在不使用nest_path的情况下存储子文档的任何替代方法还是我在这里做错了什么?

This schema works perfectly fine in Solr 8.4此模式在 Solr 8.4 中运行良好

Child documents can be handled without using the nested documents feature - the nested documents feature just makes it easier and more automatic.可以在不使用嵌套文档功能的情况下处理子文档 - 嵌套文档功能只是使其更容易和更自动化。

Nested documents were introduced with Solr 8 - so trying to use the feature with Solr 6 won't work as you've discovered.嵌套文档是随 Solr 8 引入的- 因此,尝试使用 Solr 6 的功能不会像您发现的那样工作。

In earlier versions, as far as I know, you'll have to make those updates manually with relevant fields referenced, then apply the block join query parser and childdoctransformer explicitly with these values.据我所知,在早期版本中,您必须使用引用的相关字段手动进行这些更新,然后使用这些值显式应用块连接查询解析器childdoctransformer

If you can, upgrade to Solr 8 (in the newest dotrelease) as the feature work's as you'd expect there, instead of adding the complexity of handling it yourself to work around the limitations in the earlier release.如果可以,请升级到 Solr 8(在最新的 dotrelease 中),因为该功能正如您所期望的那样工作,而不是增加自己处理它以解决早期版本中的限制的复杂性。

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