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Blur 事件取消 Vue 组件中的点击事件

[英]Blur event cancels click event in Vue component

I have a search component in Vue.js .我在Vue.js中有一个搜索组件。 When you type into the text input, a list of search results is fetched from the server, then displayed in a list beneath the search field.当您在文本输入中键入时,将从服务器获取搜索结果列表,然后显示在搜索字段下方的列表中。 When you click one of the results, the submit event fires.当您单击其中一个结果时,将触发submit事件。

However, now I tried adding a blur event to the text input, which should hide the list of results when the user clicks away from the input.但是,现在我尝试向文本输入添加一个模糊事件,当用户点击远离输入时,它应该隐藏结果列表。 This works fine, except for one crucial situation - clicking on a result no longer fires the submit event.这工作正常,除了一种关键情况 - 单击结果不再触发submit事件。

I understand why this is - the blur event apparently fires before the click event, and hides the results list before the click can be registered on one of the results.我明白为什么会这样 - blur事件显然在click事件之前触发,并在点击可以注册到其中一个结果之前隐藏结果列表。 My question is, how do I get around this?我的问题是,我该如何解决这个问题? I need the results list to close when clicking outside the text input, but I obviously also need the submit method to function.在文本输入之外单击时我需要关闭结果列表,但我显然还需要submit方法到 function。

Here is the component in full:这是完整的组件:

    <div class="search basic-search">
        <input type="text" v-model="search_string" v-on:keyup="search" v-on:focus="activate" v-on:blur="inactivate" class="form-control search" placeholder="Search stocks" />
        <div :class="['search-results', active === true ? 'active' : '']">
            <div class="search-result" v-for="result in search_results" v-on:click="submit(result.id)">
                {{ result.name }} ({{ result.ticker }})

    export default {
        data: function() {
            return {
                search_string : '',
                search_results : [],
                active : false

        methods : {
            search : function() {
                const axios_data = {
                    _token  : $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content'),
                    str : this.search_string

                axios.post('/stock-search', axios_data).then(response => {

                        this.search_results = response.data.stocks;
                        this.active = true;


            activate : function() {
                if(this.search_string !== '')
                    this.active = true;

            inactivate : function() {
                this.active = false;

            submit : function(stock_id) {
                document.location = "/graphs/" + stock_id;

You could delay the hiding of the box until click fires您可以延迟隐藏框,直到click触发

inactivate : function() {
   setTimeout( () => this.active = false, 100)

You may also try to use mousedown instead of click您也可以尝试使用mousedown而不是click

<div class="search-result" v-for="result in search_results" v-on:mousedown="submit(result.id)">

I don't know if the order of the events is determined, but mousedown should be triggered before blur.我不知道事件的顺序是否确定,但是mousedown应该在blur之前触发。

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