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Laravel Eloquent - 如何对关系列中的字段求和?

[英]Laravel Eloquent - How Can I Sum fields inside relation's column?

  I need to sum every paid_amount inside of each expense_payment_liab instead of returning all these 
 individual  paid_amount  as it can be seen in images for clear view.So far my query looks like this:
 Model Relation is like Voucher has many Expenses and Expenses has many Expensepaymentliab.       

  This is so far what I tried:
    $expense = Voucher::where('voucher_date', $request->date)
        ->where('account_id', 1)
        ->with(['expenses' => function ($expense) use ($date) {
            $expense->with(['expPaymentLiab' => function ($inner) use ($date) {
                return $inner->select('paid_amount', 'expense_id')->where('paid_date', '=', $date);
                //need to return the sum of paid_amount.
                // I've  also tried this
                // $inner->sum('paid_amount', 'expense_id')
            $expense->select('id', 'date', 'total_amount', 'voucher_id');

These are the images please check这些是图片,请检查

Need to sum such paid_amount field.需要对此类paid_amount 字段求和。

You can use withCount to sum the paid_amount field.您可以使用withCountpaid_amount字段求和。

Voucher::where('voucher_date', $request->date)
        ->where('account_id', 1)
        ->with(['expenses' => function ($expense) use ($date) {
            // select the columns first, so the subquery column can be added later.
            $expense->select('id', 'date', 'total_amount', 'voucher_id');
            $expense->withCount(['expPaymentLiab AS paid_sum' => function ($query) use ($date) {
                return $query->select(DB::raw('SUM(paid_amount)'))->where('paid_date', '=', $date);

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