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[英]Return generic interface implementation with different generic type

I have created this simple generic interface:我创建了这个简单的通用接口:

public interface IInitializerSettings<in ViewerType> where ViewerType : Component
    void Apply(ViewerType dataViewer);

And added an implementation for it:并为其添加了一个实现:

public class MenuSettings : IInitializerSettings<CustomGridLayout>
    public void Apply(CustomGridLayout dataViewer)

public class CustomGridLayout : CustomLayout
    // The implementation code

Now I try to use it like that:现在我尝试这样使用它:

public IInitializerSettings<CustomLayout> GetDefaultSettings()
    return new MenuSettings();

But I get this error "Cannot convert type MenuSettings to return type IInitializerSettings"但我收到此错误“无法将类型 MenuSettings 转换为返回类型 IInitializerSettings”

I don't understand why it isn't allowed, CustomGridLayout inherits CustomLayout .我不明白为什么不允许, CustomGridLayout继承CustomLayout

All I could find is this question , but this solution doesn't work for me (I can't use the out keyword).我能找到的只是这个问题,但这个解决方案对我不起作用(我不能使用out关键字)。

The reason you cannot do this is because for a contravariant interface (specified by your use of in for the generic type parameter) you cannot implicitly convert it to an instance of a less derived type.您不能这样做的原因是,对于逆变接口(通过使用in为泛型类型参数指定),您无法将其隐式转换为派生程度较低的类型的实例。 I think the bullet points in the docs explains it fairly ok, if you think in terms of IEnumerable<T> (covariant) and Action<T> (contravariant).如果您从IEnumerable<T> (协变)和Action<T> (逆变)的角度考虑,我认为文档中的要点解释得相当好。

As Selvin mentions in the comments the Apply method in MenuSettings expects an instance of CustomGridLayout , so trying to cast MenuSettings to IInitializerSettings<CustomLayout> is not possible because public void Apply(CustomGridLayout dataViewer) cannot handle a CustomLayout as input.正如 Selvin 在评论中提到的那样, MenuSettings中的Apply方法需要一个CustomGridLayout的实例,因此无法尝试将MenuSettingsIInitializerSettings<CustomLayout> ,因为public void Apply(CustomGridLayout dataViewer)无法将CustomLayout作为输入处理。 Let me give an example:让我举个例子:

public class CustomLayout
    public void SetupCustomLayout() { ... }

public class CustomGridLayout : CustomLayout
    public void SetupGrid() { ... }

public class MenuSettings : IInitializerSettings<CustomGridLayout>
    public void Apply(CustomGridLayout dataViewer)

// Later in the code...

var menuSettings = new MenuSettings();

// This cast is what GetDefaultSettings() is trying to do
var genericSettings = (IInitializerSettings<CustomLayout>)menuSettings;

var layout = new CustomLayout();

// Looking at the type of 'genericSettings' this following line should be possible
// but 'MenuSettings.Apply()' is calling 'dataViewer.SetupGrid()' which doesn't exist
// in 'layout', so 'layout' is not a valid input

So in relation to the docs you have defined IInitializerSettings<ViewerType> as a contravariant interface, but are trying to use it as a covariant interface - which is not possible.因此,关于文档,您已将IInitializerSettings<ViewerType>定义为逆变接口,但正试图将其用作协变接口 - 这是不可能的。

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