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Map<object, atomicinteger> 到关联数组</object,>

[英]Map<Object, AtomicInteger> to Associative array

I have for input int[] with the following content:我有输入int[]具有以下内容:

[5, 65, 22, 1, 58, 5, 69, 12, 1, 22, 22, 58, 12, 54, 89]

Using Map<Object, AtomicInteger> , I'm converting it to the following object:使用Map<Object, AtomicInteger> ,我将其转换为以下 object:

{1=2, 65=1, 5=2, 69=1, 22=3, 58=2, 12=1}

In other words, I'm calculating the repeating elements of the dynamic array.换句话说,我正在计算动态数组的重复元素。

Now I need to find out the max and min occurrence and I'm really stuck on further steps.现在我需要找出最大和最小出现次数,我真的被困在进一步的步骤上。

The code of repeating elements class is below:重复元素 class 的代码如下:

public Map<Object, AtomicInteger> countRepeatingElements(int[] inputArray) {
    ConcurrentMap<Object, AtomicInteger> output = 
                  new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, AtomicInteger>();

    for (Object i : inputArray) {
        output.putIfAbsent(i, new AtomicInteger(0));

    return output;

If you want to find the max and the min occurrence, iterate through the Map using the EntrySet and compare the values of each key.如果您想找到最大值和最小值,请使用 EntrySet 遍历 Map 并比较每个键的值。

int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for(Map.Entry<Object, AtomicInteger> entry : output.entrySet()){
    if(entry.getValue().intValue() < min){
        min = entry.getValue().intValue();
    if(entry.getValue().intValue() > max){
        max = entry.getValue().intValue();
// entry.getValue() gives you number of times number occurs
// entry.getKey() gives you the number itself
int[] inputArray = {5, 65, 22, 1, 58, 5, 69, 12, 1, 22, 22, 58, 12, 54, 89};

// 1
Map<Integer, Long> grouped = Arrays.stream(inputArray)
        .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));

// 2
LongSummaryStatistics stats = grouped.values()


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