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[英]How to decompress a huffman encoded file?

So once I have built my huffman tree and compressed a file into each characters' corresponding code how do I go about decompressing the file?因此,一旦我构建了我的霍夫曼树并将文件压缩到每个字符的相应代码中,我如何 go 关于解压缩文件? In the compressed file I have to insert some sort of information representing the huffman tree built in order to decompress the file.在压缩文件中,我必须插入某种信息,表示为解压缩文件而构建的霍夫曼树。 I was initially thinking of storing the character with its' value for example:我最初想用它的值来存储角色,例如:

a: 110 and b:11 for example. a:例如 110 和 b:11。 However, when reading the compressed file how would I differentiate the a from the b if both the a and b start with 11?但是,在读取压缩文件时,如果 a 和 b 都以 11 开头,我将如何区分 a 和 b?

I don't feel like my method will work, does anyone have any better ideas?我觉得我的方法行不通,有没有人有更好的想法?

You're misunderstanding about huffman encoding.您对霍夫曼编码有误解。 Any character code in Huffman encoded code table must not be a prefix of other characters.霍夫曼编码码表中的任何字符码都不能是其他字符的前缀。 If 'a' in your code is 110, 'b' must never starts with 1, 11 or 110. Each of character must not share their prefix.如果代码中的“a”为 110,则“b”不得以 1、11 或 110 开头。每个字符不得共享其前缀。

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