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Boost::Process Pipe 流和单元测试

[英]Boost::Process Pipe Streams and Unit Test

I have source which two stream like this:我有两个 stream 这样的来源:

bp::ipstream StdOut;
bp::opstream StdIn;
bp::child MyProcess = bp::child(processPath, bp::std_out > StdOut, bp::std_in < StdIn);
// Doing some stuff with StdOut and StdIn

I wanted to know if there is a way to write manually into this StdOut and read from StdIn in order to do unit tests?我想知道是否有办法手动写入这个 StdOut 并从 StdIn 读取以进行单元测试? Thank you very much!非常感谢!

You can write to them as a normal stream:您可以像普通的 stream 一样写信给他们:

Live On Coliru住在科利鲁

#include <boost/process.hpp>
#include <iostream>

namespace bp = boost::process;

int main() {
    bp::ipstream StdOut;
    bp::opstream StdIn;
    bp::child MyProcess = bp::child("/usr/bin/rev", bp::std_out > StdOut, bp::std_in < StdIn);

    for (int i = 0; i<100; ++i) {
        StdIn << "Sure no problem, " << i << std::endl;

    std::string il;
    while (getline(StdOut, il)) {
        std::cout << il << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Bye\n";


0 ,melborp on eruS
1 ,melborp on eruS
2 ,melborp on eruS
99 ,melborp on eruS

Async Version异步版本

Note, like the documentation warns, if your process requires async IO you could end up deadlocking (eg waiting for output while the child process is waiting for input).请注意,就像文档警告的那样,如果您的进程需要异步 IO 您最终可能会出现死锁(例如,在子进程等待输入时等待 output)。

To achieve this, use Asio's asynchronous operations:为此,请使用 Asio 的异步操作:

Live On Coliru住在科利鲁

#include <boost/process.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/process/async.hpp>
#include <iostream>

namespace ba = boost::asio;
namespace bp = boost::process;

int main() {
    ba::io_context io;
    bp::async_pipe ip(io), op(io);
    //bp::async_pipe StdIn(io);

    bp::child MyProcess = bp::child("/usr/bin/tac", bp::std_out > op, bp::std_in < ip, io);

    std::function<void()> send_loop, recv_loop;

    ba::streambuf sb;
    send_loop = [&, i=0]() mutable {
        if (++i<100) {
            std::ostream(&sb) << "Sure no problem, " << i << std::endl;
            ba::async_write(ip, sb, [&send_loop](auto ec, auto /*tx*/) {
                //std::cout << "Sent " << tx << " bytes (" << ec.message() << ")\n";
                if (!ec) send_loop();
        } else ip.close();

    ba::streambuf rb;
    recv_loop = [&]() {
        ba::async_read_until(op, rb, "\n", [&](auto ec, auto /*tx*/) {
            //std::cout << "Received " << tx << " bytes (" << ec.message() << ")\n";
            std::cout << &rb << std::flush;
            if (!ec) recv_loop();


    std::cout << "Bye\n";

Prints the expected:打印预期:

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