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当我尝试让 python 将用户输入写入 txt 文件时,它不会

[英]When i try to make python write user input to a txt file, it doesn't

i am learning python, and i wanted to create a little login and register program, that writes the username and the password to a txt file (so that it can be later used), i am currently working on the register function, when i try to write to the txt files it does nothing, i tried doing a with loop, a.flush() and.close() but neither of them saves the info.我正在学习 python,我想创建一个小登录和注册程序,将用户名和密码写入 txt 文件(以便以后使用),我目前正在注册 function,当我尝试要写入 txt 文件,它什么也不做,我尝试使用循环、a.flush() 和 .close(),但它们都没有保存信息。 Here's my code:这是我的代码:

        username.write = input ('username > ')
        password = open("password.txt", "w")
        password.write = input ('password > ')

What am i missing?我错过了什么? Edit.编辑。 Neither 3 of the solutions to the suggested question work for me...建议问题的三个解决方案都不适合我......

Get your input and store them in two variables and then write them to files:获取您的输入并将它们存储在两个变量中,然后将它们写入文件:

username = input ('username > ')
password = input ('password > ')
with open('usernames.txt', 'w') as userFile:
with open('passwords.txt', 'w') as passFile:
username = input()
password = input()


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