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Unity3d 找不到资源命名空间

[英]Unity3d cannot find Resources namespace

I am using 2019.3.0f6 version of Unity.我正在使用2019.3.0f6版本的 Unity。 I purchased 3 plugin and they all give error after import.我购买了 3 个插件,导入后都报错。

I am getting error like this:我收到这样的错误:

Assets\PlayMaker\Editor\EditorStartupPrefs.cs(38,32): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Load' does not exist in the namespace 'Resources' (are you missing an assembly reference?) Assets\PlayMaker\Editor\EditorStartupPrefs.cs(38,32):错误 CS0234:命名空间“资源”中不存在类型或命名空间名称“加载”(您是否缺少程序集引用?)

What's the problem, I researched but not saw this error.有什么问题,我研究过但没有看到这个错误。

What I tried and not worked:我尝试过但没有奏效的方法:

  • Help -> Reset Package to Defaults.帮助 -> 将 Package 重置为默认值。
  • Install 2018.4 of Unity.安装 Unity 2018.4。 Again throws error再次抛出错误


Problem solved.问题解决了。 Some of script have Resources namespace.一些脚本具有资源命名空间。 I deleted namespace and its solved.我删除了命名空间并解决了它。

I can only guess from this information, but could it be uncompatibily issues between the modules?我只能从这些信息中猜测,但这可能是模块之间不兼容的问题吗? Check out this page: https://answers.unity.com/questions/316805/unityeditor-namespace-not-found.html查看此页面: https://answers.unity.com/questions/316805/unityeditor-namespace-not-found.html

You can check that the target version of the purchased module is compatible with your editor version:您可以检查购买模块的目标版本是否与您的编辑器版本兼容: 在此处输入图像描述

Check that during import the Assembly Info is compatible with your targeted framework version.在导入期间检查程序集信息是否与您的目标框架版本兼容。

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