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JQuery - 如何监听 ID 更改按钮并在加载后重置其属性

[英]JQuery - How to listen an ID changed button and reset its prop after loaded

I have a submit button for a textarea in a modal, and this button set to disabled if the textarea is empty.我有一个模式中文本区域的提交按钮,如果文本区域为空,则此按钮设置为禁用。 The code is:代码是:

function textAreaListener() {
  if (!($(#text-area).val().trim())) {
    $('#submit-button').prop({ disabled: true });
  } else {
    $('#submit-button').prop({ disabled: false });

It works well.它运作良好。

After that, I wrote another method to call the modal, and I need to change the button's id so that the original click event will not happen, I used $('#submit-button').attr('id','batch-submit-button');之后,我写了另一个调用模态的方法,我需要改变按钮的id,这样原来的点击事件就不会发生,我用$('#submit-button').attr('id','batch-submit-button'); to change button's id, and changed the function above to:更改按钮的 id,并将上面的 function 更改为:

function textAreaListener() {
  if (!($(#text-area).val().trim())) {
    $('#submit-button').prop({ disabled: true });
    $('#batch-submit-button').prop({ disabled: true });
  } else {
    $('#submit-button').prop({ disabled: false });
    $('#batch-submit-button').prop({ disabled: false });

And then the prop({ disabled: false }) is not working for the button with new id ( #batch-submit-button ), but the older button with old id works well.然后prop({ disabled: false })不适用于具有新 id ( #batch-submit-button ) 的按钮,但具有旧 id 的旧按钮运行良好。 I looked couple question in StackOverflow and I think the reason is JQuery can't capture the new id after loaded.我在 StackOverflow 中查看了几个问题,我认为原因是 JQuery 在加载后无法捕获新 ID。 Is there any way to solve it?有什么办法解决吗? Thank you!谢谢!

------------------Here's my haml file------------------------------ ------------------这是我的 haml 文件---------------------------- --

        = form_for :proposal, url: '#', html: {id: 'state-modal-form'} do |form|
          = form.text_area :comment, id: 'text-area', |
          placeholder: t('.comment'), class: 'form-control', rows: 5
        %button.btn.btn-default{id: 'cancel-button', data: {dismiss: 'modal'}}= t('.cancel')
        %button.btn.btn-primary{id: 'submit-button'}= t('.done')

The exact case is:具体情况是:

$(function () {
  function initState() {
    $('#state-modal-form').attr('action', '#');
    $('#state-modal-form textarea').val('').hide();
    $('#submit-button').prop({ disabled: true });

  function assignHandlersToElements() {
    $(document).on('click', '.commentable-element', App.books.bookCommentableElementHandler);
    $(document).on('keyup', '#state-modal-form textarea', App.books.textAreaListener);
    $(document).on('click', '#cancel-button', App.books.initState);
    $(document).on('click', '#submit-button', App.books.submitHandler);

  function bookCommentableElementHandler(event) {
    if(event.target.id == 'selected-button'){
      $('#batch-submit-button').prop({ disabled: true });
      $('#state-modal-form').attr('action', $(this).data('url'));

      $('#text-area').attr('placeholder', 'Comment').show();
    $('#state-modal').modal({ backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }, 'show');

  function textAreaListener() {
    if (!($(this).val().trim())) {
      $('#submit-button').prop({ disabled: true });
      $('#batch-submit-button').prop({ disabled: true });
    } else {
      $('#submit-button').prop({ disabled: false });
      $('#batch-submit-button').prop({ disabled: false });

  function submitHandler() {

  App.books.initState = initState;
  App.books.assignHandlersToElements = assignHandlersToElements;
  App.books.bookCommentableElementHandler = bookCommentableElementHandler;
  App.books.textAreaListener = textAreaListener;
  App.books.submitHandler = submitHandler;

I have simulated your code on my side.我已经在我这边模拟了你的代码。 And prop({disabled: false });和 prop({disabled: false }); is working for id changed button.正在为 id changed 按钮工作。 Here is my code.这是我的代码。


<button id="submit-button">Submit</button>
<button id="disable_btn">Disable</button>
<button id="enable_btn">Enable</button>
<button id="change_id">Change ID</button>

jQuery: jQuery:

        $('#submit-button').prop({ disabled: true });
        $('#batch-submit-button').prop({ disabled: true });

        $('#submit-button').prop({ disabled: false });
        $('#batch-submit-button').prop({ disabled: false });

        $('#submit-button').attr('id', 'batch-submit-button');

Please provide your exact case.请提供您的确切案例。

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