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用里面的变量在 Tcl 中打开文件

[英]Open file in Tcl with variables inside

I want to open a file called filelist.txt which contains only the string ${PATHFILE}/test.txt , read the line and open the file test.txt .我想打开一个名为filelist.txt的文件,其中只包含字符串${PATHFILE}/test.txt ,读取该行并打开文件test.txt The file test.txt is present inside the folder ~/testfile .文件test.txt位于文件夹~/testfile中。
Consider this sample code:考虑这个示例代码:

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh

set PATHFILE "~/testfile"

set fp [open "filelist.txt" r]
set lines [split [read $fp] "\n"]
close $fp   

foreach line $lines {
    set fp1 [open $line r]
    close $fp1

The problem is that it seems that the "open" command cannot find the PATHFILE variable and i get this error:问题是“打开”命令似乎找不到PATHFILE变量,我得到这个错误:

couldn't open "${PATHFILE}/test.txt": no such file or directory

If i try to open the file with set fp1 [open "${PATHFILE}/test.txt" r] i don't have any errors.如果我尝试使用set fp1 [open "${PATHFILE}/test.txt" r]打开文件,我没有任何错误。

Yes, you can use the TCL subst command to evaluate the PATHFILE variable.是的,您可以使用TCL subst 命令评估 PATHFILE 变量。 Note that you might still have an issue with the tilde ~ - it may be better to use full path names.请注意,波浪号 ~ 可能仍然存在问题 - 使用完整路径名可能更好。

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh

set PATHFILE "~/testfile"

set fp [open "filelist.txt" r]
set lines [split [read $fp] "\n"]
close $fp   

foreach line $lines {
    set fp1 [open [subst $line] r]
    close $fp1

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