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如何使用 firebase 云函数从 firebase-realtime-database 中获取数据?

[英]How to fetch data from firebase-realtime-database using firebase cloud functions?

So I want to fetch data from my firebase realtime database in a firebase cloud function.所以我想从 firebase 云 function 中的 firebase 实时数据库中获取数据。

My Database structure:我的数据库结构:


My code:我的代码:

let usernameFetched: string
const snapshot = await admin.database().ref(`/Agent/${userUID}/username`).once("value")
usernameFetched = snapshot.val().username

return res.status(200).send({ 
    method: 'sendMessage',
    text: `Your username is ${usernameFetched}) 
    //This returns a message to user via a telegram bot.

I'm using typescript in VSCODE by the way.顺便说一句,我在VSCODE中使用typescript。

The output is always UNDEFINED. output 始终未定义。 Why?为什么? The path is correct.路径是正确的。 I tried all the ways from similar question but didn't helped me.我尝试了类似问题的所有方法,但没有帮助我。

The function is ASYNC and I have to use the fetched value in other fucntions so I don't want to use return statement here. function 是异步的,我必须在其他功能中使用获取的值,所以我不想在这里使用 return 语句。 Any way?反正?

Change this:改变这个:

usernameFetched = snapshot.val().username

into this:进入这个:

usernameFetched = snapshot.val()

In your path, you are already using ref(/Agent/${userUID}/username) the username node.在您的路径中,您已经在使用ref(/Agent/${userUID}/username) username节点。 Therefore all you have to do to get the value is call .val() on snapshot .因此,您只需在snapshot上调用.val()即可获取该值。


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